Horgalada hassan gurgurte sitting next to him 😤


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Waxba ma dhaamo Ina adeerka oo Ina salad boy hos fadhiye.
Horgaal ibnu horgaal @DR OSMAN Abdullah Yusuf Ahmed and abdiqasim salaad Hassan pictured together … Mr fake news show me a picture of jama Ali jama and abdiqasim salaad hassan…. Jama Ali jama wa nin qadiyaad iyo sharaf leh 🫡


Show me a picture of jama Ali jama and the fucker Abdiqasim Salad Hassan….. horgaal horgaal dhaleey ba tahay 😂 your father was the biggest afweyne prostitute

All SSDF joined my father vision and ended SSDF in 1986. We got in return garowe to bosaso road plus bosaso port which wasn't completed cause the civil war started. Menguistu didn't want a post siyad barre govt and refused the rebels to meet and discuss a military transitional govt untill civilian govt is agreed upon. Bah dubays was on the right side of history, can your jama Ali jama even come to Puntland? Ask yourself why? He was a mangaab aragti gaaban muse suldan horgal.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
All SSDF joined my father vision and ended SSDF in 1986. We got in return garowe to bosaso road plus bosaso port which wasn't completed cause the civil war started. Menguistu didn't want a post siyad barre govt and refused the rebels to meet and discuss a military transitional govt untill civilian govt is agreed upon. Bah dubays was on the right side of history, can your jama Ali Jama even come to Puntland? Ask yourself why was mangaab aragti gaaban muse suldan horgal.
Jama Ali jama can come to puntland anytime he want his Landhere


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
All SSDF joined my father vision and ended SSDF in 1986. We got in return garowe to bosaso road plus bosaso port which wasn't completed cause the civil war started. Menguistu didn't want a post siyad barre govt and refused the rebels to meet and discuss a military transitional govt untill civilian govt is agreed upon. Bah dubays was on the right side of history, can your jama Ali jama even come to Puntland? Ask yourself why? He was a mangaab aragti gaaban muse suldan horgal.
When jama Ali jama was fighting for puntland and majerteenia your father was prostitue for afweyne and when afweyne was defeated he run 🏃 to Australia what a coward 😂


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
@DR OSMAN I told you abdullahi yusuf Ahmed was chased by bah dir from bosaso after his three year terms end 😂 yusuf ahmed khyr a bah dir was elected us the interim president 4 month later their was election and jama Ali jama was elected us the president of puntland 🙏🏽 abdullahi yusuf ahmed attack a legimate elected government well he run away from bah dir after they attacked him and chased him from bosaso….. jama Ali jama was the cooler head us he say he wasn’t he here to kill his own people he left never came back since then laandhere…. What the f*ck this abdiqasim salad you mentioning are you in love with him 😂


@DR OSMAN I told you abdullahi yusuf Ahmed was chased by bah dir from bosaso after his three year terms end 😂 yusuf ahmed khyr a bah dir was elected us the interim president 4 month later their was election and jama Ali jama was elected us the president of puntland 🙏🏽 abdullahi yusuf ahmed attack a legimate elected government well he run away from bah dir after they attacked him and chased him from bosaso….. jama Ali jama was the cooler head us he say he wasn’t he here to kill his own people he left never came back since then laandhere…. What the f*ck this abdiqasim salad you mentioning are you in love with him 😂

Lacnatullahi alaykh on muse sultan. Ask any puntite who saved your uncle from the harti onslaught in garowe they were bah dubays not muse suldan and what did he do? He was in Nairobi doing visas for Habro xun oo hawiye ah while the boys who protect him from harti in garowe and escorted him out xitaa biilkooda isbitaal ayuu bixin wayay. One of the boys is a close relative of mine who lost a leg. Ha ii sheegin that hawiye adeege jama ali jama. He even cry on kayd media for hawiye first. Hawiye only bring cawanimo and he was crying for them.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Lacnatullahi alaykh on muse sultan. Ask any puntite who saved your uncle from the harti onslaught in garowe they were bah dubays not muse suldan and what did he do? He was in Nairobi doing visas for Habro xun oo hawiye ah while the boys who protect him from harti in garowe and escorted him out xitaa biilkooda isbitaal ayuu bixin wayay. One of the boys is a close relative of mine who lost a leg. Ha ii sheegin that hawiye adeege jama ali jama. He even cry on kayd media for hawiye first. Hawiye only bring cawanimo and he was crying for them.
Silka hawiye adiga ka so baxay 😂 I think hawiye abused when u were child ur oppossion with them is to much….. show me this abdiqasim salad your in love with picture of him and jama Ali jama
Silka hawiye adiga ka so baxay 😂 I think hawiye abused when u were child ur oppossion with them is to much….. show me this abdiqasim salad your in love with picture of him and jama Ali jama
Maya boowe dr Osman doesn’t function properly I remember playing one of his recordings when he was having a debate with this Ogaden Farjano walad guy who wants to become the next Jubaland president 😅codkiisa waxad moodaa autism inuu leeyahay.