Horn Africans are migrating to South Africa in large numbers

im certain that your life is shitehole abaha was, keep beg for recognition retard
lmaooo look at this toothless retard my life is fine your life is the shithole bucktooth barkhad retard was I even talking about recognition doqon keep coping Somalia has been fragmented for 30 years its the only reason I support recognition


Shaqo la'an ba kuu heysaata
I think it's as you said sxb. Ethiopia is currently in civil war and it's already been a shit hole it's great that they are leaving to South Africa for a better life. I think Somalia government should be taking advantage of this and should be booking flights for these people. In other words we should be depopulating Ethiopia and it should be done by Egypt Kenya Djibouti and Eritrea and Somalia and Sudan. For the ones that are left in Ethiopia they can be farm hands to feed the whole East Africa to Egypt. For South Africa we can give them small but minerals rights in Ethiopia
Dang you really want Ethiopians to suffer?
💯 most of them are Oromos, Somalis nowadays are going to other East African countries
Yeah. A lot of Somalis aren’t going to SA. They are going to other African countries. I forgot which one my family friend went to but they are making bank. SA isn’t as worth it anymore. But even in those other African countries I remember hearing that they extort you and the Soldiers are quite scary.


Shaqo la'an ba kuu heysaata
Somalia is too big and fragmented this the problem with why we're so divided our country is several times bigger than the UK but with a third of the population so you end with people who want to be divided being able to do so since they govern large lands without being disturbed.
The solution is not more people. That'll fuel more fragmentation. The solution is a better funded national army.
only country with a substantial white population lets face it somalia getting rid of the italians post colonisation was a big mistake
South Africa actually just functions as a foreign enclave economy and it's controlled by foreign companies, despite the fact that it has a large economy of 400billion GDP. South Africa has one of the highest inequality rates in the world. Most of its wealth is concentrated in the hands of a small elite (mostly white South Africans and foreign corporations).

High crime, unemployment, and poverty - many South Africans (especially Black South Africans) still live in poor conditions. Millions of South Africans live in slums (townships) without proper infrastructure, jobs, or opportunities.

South Africa’s development is an illusion—it benefits the few while the majority suffer.

"White Population = Development" is a Colonial Myth

Kicking out Italians and reclaiming our independence was the best thing Somalia ever did. For the next 30 years it spawned development. It was inevitable anyways because we operated and still operate under a self-reliant independent code. Everywhere we settled both abroad and at home turns into a buzzling a commercial hub.

Italians however did everything to keep Somalia poor and underdeveloped and limit Somali's economic freedom and movement.

You just have to read how Prime Minister Abdullahi Isse describes the conditions to the UN
South Africa actually just functions as a foreign enclave economy and it's controlled by foreign companies, despite the fact that it has a large economy of 400billion GDP. South Africa has one of the highest inequality rates in the world. Most of its wealth is concentrated in the hands of a small elite (mostly white South Africans and foreign corporations).

High crime, unemployment, and poverty - many South Africans (especially Black South Africans) still live in poor conditions. Millions of South Africans live in slums (townships) without proper infrastructure, jobs, or opportunities.

South Africa’s development is an illusion—it benefits the few while the majority suffer.

"White Population = Development" is a Colonial Myth

Kicking out Italians and reclaiming our independence was the best thing Somalia ever did. It was inevitable anyways because we operate always and still operate under a self-reliant independent code. Everywhere we settled both abroad and at home turns into a buzzling a commercial hub.

Italians however did everything to keep Somalia poor and underdeveloped and limit Somali's economic freedom and movement.

You just have to read how Prime Minister Abdullahi Isse describes the conditions to the UN
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yh i deleted i was just pissed off at the state of Somalia
Most if not all 2,600 are all probably like 99% Ethiopians claiming Somali nationality, like they do everywhere else.

There really hasn't been much Somali migration happening these past few years since stability and economic activity has resumed in many parts. So the Somalis that are in South Africa was part of a economic migration wave that occured more than a decade back.

A lot of have actually left the country and returned to Somalia.
Your right migration from Somalia has slowed down a lot compared to let’s say ten years ago

a lot of people went to SA in the 2000s at least my family friends when the country was in a much better shape economically

I was surprised at the volume of Ethiopians going over there it’s a huge number yearly
yh i deleted i was just pissed off at the state of Somalia

Current day Somalia is way better than South Africa. Low crime, growing employment and job oppurtunities, no mass slums and lower inequality

Most importantly the economy is 100% run by Somalis and local companies and conglomerates who provide services water, electricity, food etc and invest back into infrastructure developmentm housing and industries.

The only downside is the AS menace and political situation. So i feel you about that.


Shaqo la'an ba kuu heysaata
Yes, Somalia is underpopulated we need to create more Somali's. For instance Somalia is like the size of half of America. We need additional 80 million ethnic Somali's.
While a good chunk of the population are starving or suffering from malnutrition? Are you stupid? Or evil?