Hotep claims Somalians are Arab invaders

What has not being colonized done for Ethiopians though? They're getting colonized by China as we speak, they're maids and prostitutes in the Middle East and are coming in caravans as "refugees" to Somalia, which is still recovering from civil war ☠️
hella half chinese xabeshi breeds in addis abba. Even pajeets are getting some of that hilib cayriin malab :russ:


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
They are a bit like the eastern counterparts of us, both of us are "Madow+MENA". Both live in similar climates, nomads as well as muslim.

The similarities are uncanny 😂


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Lady on top is fulani and one at the bottom is Somali right?
Sorry never saw this until now. Yeah top is Fulani from I believe Nigeria and bottom is a Somali Ciise woman from Sitti. Both women being nomads btw