hollywood always picks the most jaraar looking guys to play somalis
The Sopranos aired in the early 2000's a time were Somalis have been unknown like Black Hawk Down where cast was fully of West African origin.
hollywood always picks the most jaraar looking guys to play somalis
Wow, onc again that person doesn't look ethnically Somali and he has nothing remotely resembling a Somali english accent. smh
The Sopranos aired in the early 2000's a time were Somalis have been unknown like Black Hawk Down where cast was fully of West African origin.
Roman empireItaly are langaab of Europe. Embarrassed by malnourished Abyssinia and bought Somalia with treaties and contracts. Not top 10 empires in my book.
They number about the same as English & France. They conquered both Ethiopians and Somalis.
They conquered Ethiopia in 6 months 1936 and conquered British Somaliland in 2 weeks lol
Italians are better than France or British. They built up Mogadishou into a magnificent city.
They still do it frequently. It is mainly for budget and planning reasons. It is easier to find a non-Horn black actor than a Horner actor.
Roman empire
This is when you know that Sspot has the best comedians out in the Savannah.
Italians were given their independance by France,
and they couldn't even contain the Brits in North Africa.
They can't fight,
nor build,
nor colonize,
their only skill is to make great Art.
Don't compare the French and Brits to Niggas who lost to Menelik the 2nd and who lost to 9 french soldiers (and the Italians were 5000 soldiers)
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Quite frankly,
Mogadishu was beautiful under the Italians' rule,
but Alger and Algeria was way more richer than Somalia and Eritrea combined.
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French Algeria - Wikipedia
I meant for us Somalis. Italians were better than British or France. Djibouti got off the hook but vast majority of France colonies in Africa are poltically, financially and socially enslaved by France.
Without Africa France would slide into 3rd tier European state.
Fake news.
And France was already a major European power before 1830 (the beginning of its presence in North Africa; Algeria).
While Colonialism was pushed by heavy industrial powers, to sell and take resources from other places on Earth (especially in the South and in the East parts of the Planet),
France and other major countries in Europe were already developing, industrializing.
This narrative that without Africa, France would be a 3rd World country is false.
They've had their Apogee in the 17th Century, and also in the Early and Mid 19th century (Napoleonic period; Napoleon the Ist and the 3rd), and after the defeat against Germany of Bismarck in 1870, France has lost its position as the "mediator of Europe", and Germany was the main powerhouse up until WWI.
Africans came into the equation as late as 1880-1890 (when France was already industrialized).
But we can say the same with Africans.
Algeria wouldn't even exist without France's help.
Who built Alger? The French.
They went from having 5 million people to 20-30 million the day of their independence, in 1962!
Newly built roads, schools, cities (with western standards, no more qashin lawless towns),
while banning slavery and other barbaric practices.
those were the good days. when people would ask me where is somalia.True but I genuinely believe people did not know Somalis back than. We were small unique group of Africans before the advent of Social Media. I miss those days.
They got raped by Germans in WW2 Post liberation then forced African colonies to pay "colonial tax" and till this day they hold firm grip on monetary system and natural resources of the said countries.
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All I see here is a bunch of coons arguing which foreign, colonial European power gave them the better penetration during their stay back home.![]()
All sub saharan Africans talk like this including somalisAll I see here is a bunch of coons arguing which foreign, colonial European power gave them the better penetration during their stay back home.![]()
My mother told me stories of her time in Napoli. She told me she never received any sort of racism. You know the Italian knows the difference between Horn africans and madow Africans.
All sub saharan Africans talk like this including somalis
No shame whatsoever, somalis bragging that langaab Italians colonized them fck
All of those countries have a smaller gdp that California wtfItalians are failed 3rd tier colonial power. British still hold significant influence and benefited from London becoming the capital of Europe. France is raping the resources of it's colonies bila naxaris they literally live off on the expense of African countries. Germany is the de facto leader of European Union with it's economical might it dictates the policies of the entire Union which causes friction with France and the reason why UK never switched to using Euros.
Italy is very stagnant and has no tangible influence it's on the decline.