How are white people everywhere better off than people of color?

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The Mongols fucked up the Arab world. Burned the great libraries of Baghdad and set them back centuries.

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
The Mongols fucked up the Arab world. Burned the great libraries of Baghdad and set them back centuries.

Yeah, major set back. Imagine the modern world's database of knowledge being completely destroyed lol. Since Iraq was the cradle of civilization, that's what basically happened when Chengis Khan ransacked it

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe

Yes, but in the Islamic World they never produced someone like John Locke who was accepted/admired by the political elite. Western political institutions had a head start because they got rid of religious dogma a long time ago.

The father of Liberalism. :rejoice:

Sxb ibn khaldun alone blows any Western thinker out of the water. This guy is the father of MODERN economics, sociology, historiography.

Not to mention polymaths like ibn rush and ibn sina. Westerners are full of shit and like to inflate their egos by tooting their own horn.

For example al khawarizmi was a Muslim who came up with logarithms. Without logarithms computers, phones , and technology as we know it today wouldn't exist

Alhamdulilah for Al Islam:obama:
You know I asked this question my self a thousand times in a hundred different ways, the only conclusion I came to the end is it's all got to do with genetics there is no other way :zhqjlmx:
Actually I take that back now that I am thinking about it, through out history there have been many great civilization's not only cadaan countries, I guess every dog has his day and I guess eeyka caandanka is having a great day/ era at the moment, I think in the future every country will be on a even playing field there is no other way I can see it.
For those who attribute Africa's regression to European colonization while simultaneously saying Europeans were savages 500 years ago, do you see the conflict in your statements? How did savages who were naked and couldn't shower properly able to colonize the entire world? What you guys are saying is that Europe a thousand years ago was like Africa today(in terms of progress and civilization) so ask yourselves is the Africa today is able to colonize the Europe today? If not how could the Europeans who were in the same situation a thousand years ago able to do that?

Second, colonization has ended and granted white people still have African countries under their finger but why can't Afircans refuse to be a pupet? How did a small number of whites come to Africa and take slaves? How did a small number of whites come to Africa and colonize almost all of us for hundreds of years?

Lastly Asians were also colonized and today they are the most technologically advanced people and can compete with USA and the UK and Russia. How come they emerged out of their oppression and progressed to be competing in a global scale? How did Japan rebuild its cities after nukes were dropped on them? How did Korea get to be one of the most industrialized countries in the world when a 100 years ago they were just as trash as most African countries were?

The point is you cannot place the entire blame on colonization.


How did Japan rebuild its cities after nukes were dropped on them? How did Korea get to one of the most industrialized country in the world when a 100 years ago they were just as trash as most African countries were?

America forced Japan to become a liberal democracy and they also pretty much forced South Korea to become capitalist. Americans were heavily involved in those two countries and the largest American military bases are still there.

If they were left on their own they might have ended up as mediocre countries like China, North Korea or Vietnam.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
It's all down to culture. Our cultures don't really promote innovation, we always look to the past for answers when these niggas always tryna find the next big thing and don't let tradition getting in the way. China coulda done the same thing but they isolated themselves and didn't look beyond their borders until the Europeans caught up and surpassed them

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Sxb you don't understand how big it is. After the Gold & Silver standard was destroyed, green pieces of paper with murderous slave masters printed on them were made the world currency(USD). Like I said, white people have no boundaries.

The whole world runs on the American dollar, and many organizations are trying to break free from this hegemony. Kadafi, although evil in many ways tried, look what happened to him.
It's all down to culture. Our cultures don't really promote innovation, we always look to the past for answers when these niggas always tryna find the next big thing and don't let tradition getting in the way. China coulda done the same thing but they isolated themselves and didn't look beyond their borders until the Europeans caught up and surpassed them
Precisely! Africans have a lazy culture and prefer to dwell in the past. No need to sugar coat.

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Look at these uncle Tom's saying Africans are lazy. Lol wallahi you people have no backbone whatsoever.

The first university in the world was in Africa you ingrates. I don't even think y'all are somalis
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