How Big Really is Garowe?

Sizes of some cities in Somalia:
- Burco: 168km2
- Bosaso: 159km2
- Hargeisa: 140km2

Yet the size of Garowe, the capital of Puntland State of Somalia:

7 square miles. As a city. That is absolutely crazy, here is a visual representation of what that looks like πŸ‘‡πŸΎ


There is nothing inherently wrong with a small city. The issue is when people inflate numbers.

Garowe supposedly having this population means the population density would be at 26,944 people per sq km, making it the 10th most densely populated city in the world.

Does this look like that to you? I’m sorry folks, I just don’t see it.

Very beautiful town though. I’d love to visit someday insha’Allah 😍
Might be a bit difficult for the centrists to envisage it, but that is by design. Population centres are Galkacyo & Bosaso with smaller cities like Galdogob, Burtile, Qardho, Badhan, and soon Garacad large enough to house and self-sustain. No need for the seat of gov't to be heavily congested or populated.

Washington D.C. proper is tiny in comparison to NY, LA, Chicago etc.

Further, State capitals is the US are tiny, say Springfield in IL vs Chicago, Sacramento in CA vs LA, Albany in NY etc.
Yeah it was a planned city of sorts, meant to be easy to access for all Hartis

I prefer the spread out vibe, Garowe has such nice, relaxed energy. And when you go to nice coffee shops, hotels, you see all the local 'elite'. It's good for networking and for people who just want to chill.

I need to check out Bosaso, I feel like that's where you'll get the 'make money' energy, with all the hustle and bustle.
Garoowe population is probably around 100k rough estimate but surprisingly it has surpassed gaalkacyo in importance even though GLK is much bigger
If anything we want Garowe to be least relevant, just like Xamar, Hargeysa, Baydhaba, and farther afield; the idea here is to move power and influence away from seats of government institutions, and closer to the citizens at farthest locales; with Garacad in motion, Galkacyo shall serve, after Bosaso the 2nd source of trade with greater influence than Garowe.
Further, we want Buhodle, Ceerigaabo, Burco, and Borama to be power centres. The same applies to Guriceel, Caabudwaaq (this city's name must be changed, for it is shirk to worship an idol, as the name signifies), Cadaado, Ceelbuur etc., till Xamar, Garowe, Kismayo, Hargeysa, Las Anod etc. have less influence, if relevance with their serving just as mere seats of government institutions.​

Now, apply that principle to politics where the Federal leadership incl. President, PM etc are as irrelevant with power resting with regional governors, city mayors, commissioners, District Attorneys etc., and even FMS Leaders have less significance.
This is till national cohesion and harmony naturally blossoms with the right leadership at all levels of governance from District to State to Federal.​

That is the federalist model with power and influence at the periphery; it is how nations grow, develop, and prosper; it is how citizens rule and govern over their affairs with the right civil servants at their service. And not citizens serving civil servants, as it the case in .So. I digress.

I live in a small village in IL, have never been to Springfield, the State capital, and only go to Chicago for events. I only go to D.C., the Nation's capital for conferences once a while. I envisage the same for .So.
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GLK has been ruined by the incompatible groups living there
Of course, Multiclan city will always be at a disadvantage compared to uniclan controlled cities like Garoowe. Good thing Ciise Ruuzh Gangz grip on that city is absolute. :rejoice:

Jokes aside the place was very peaceful. I had a great summer holiday in that city. I also enjoyed getting my year's dose of caano geel as well.


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
Measuring cities is very subjective, especially in a place like Somalia where the line between urban suburb and rural is very fuzzy. There is also no official body measuring cities that I know of. So that complicates things, the best tool you can use is satellite, especially google earth there is a measuring feature. Bosaso is the same size as garowe
How anyone can drink it is beyond me. The stench alone makes me gag.
Most food/drink don't offend my pallet. The milk from what I can recall tasted like ash and salt. I would refrigerate it and chug it cold. Nonetheless, I enjoy the beverage as a nighttime refreshment. It was so filling that after drinking a bottle I would not feel hungry until lunch the next day.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Only city above 100 sq km in Somalia is Muqdisho
  • Garowe 16 sq km​
  • Burco 25 sq km​
  • Hargaysa 83 sq km​
Garowe is 2/3 the size of Burco or 1/5 the size of Hargaysa.
It is growing faster than either city and has better infrastructure.