How can I get a white man to fall in love with me?

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Urban? They're usually Salafi. There are two types: the ex-convicts who want multiple wives and the jobless ones who grew up on an estate and want multiple wives. Good luck.


I love the concern in the comment. But I feel as if there is a white dude waiting for me!
Somali Women have no standards WTF..... Here in America any Cadaan loser can get out of jail and pretend to be muslim so he can get a Xalimo that worships him cause he's Adaan and will put up with his loser behavior just so she can say my Half breed Mulatos are don't look like her since she hates herself :Sutehja:

Most of these lust trips flame out in a couple years as the Adaan guy goes back to his drinking and sleeping around behavior then the used Somali chick takes her Mexican looking kids to Ayeeyo to raise and to pass them off as Somali

They ain't Somali though i don't know what those Mules are but they sure can pass for Mexican :diddyswag:
The Scandinavian viking looking Reverts are :z1banet:.



future pirate king
Whenever I meet another somali guy where ever on the planet whether it's Norway Sweden or fucking Zimbabwe, one thing unanimously that we agree on is how trashy and cheap somali women are. Whats wrong with them?

When guys prefer cadaan girls because they have more class then you know something is seriously wrong


Says the king of attention of seeking. You're malnourished when it comes to attention. Iska amuus, :comeon:

@Laila I haven't seen any cute cadaan Muslim yet.
Is there anything you like about me?
The irony under your name it says positive vibes but all you do is bring negative:mindblown:

Since when was Ragnar Lothbrok/Travis Fimmel a Muslim, having a beard makes one a muslim now.

Hold your horses I never said he's Muslim.

My point was if you want a white guy get yourself a scandanavian viking revert I've seen some who actually look like Travis Fimmel and even hotter. *MashaALlah*.:jgjrrmx:


The trouble is, you think you have time
Whenever I meet another somali guy where ever on the planet whether it's Norway Sweden or fucking Zimbabwe, one thing unanimously that we agree on is how trashy and cheap somali women are. Whats wrong with them?

When guys prefer cadaan girls because they have more class then you know something is seriously wrong
Don't feed this troll.. Thanks.
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