How can somalis move from a qabil system to an egalitarian system?

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
First we need to define what clan is and why somalis have clans

Definition of clan = a large group of people who are related. Clans existed on every part of the world, what makes somalis different.

Our environment is arid and competition for pasture is constant. Somalis needed clans for support, your family was everything. Clans eventually grew bigger and branched off, even fighting those who belong to the same clan family.

Somalis today still fight for pasture and by extent, for resources which land is. If somalis want to move forward, this issue must be addressed. The population must give power to the state, which becomes the ”clan” for all somalis. Tending to their needs etc. But to achieve this, there is one thing also needed.

Somalis are going through a social decay. Its literally every man for himself, families literally fight each other and clans in reality don’t even help their members. How to fix this?

I really think socialetal conditioning is needed. We would need somalis to spread the message of unity and co-operation on social media, especially tiktok. Not in a superficial way, but really explaining why somalis need to unite.

Meanwhile, somalis need to support law & order. The war against Al-shabaab will eliminate this organisation and there will be no one to oppose our government. Law & order is needed to succeed, its the most important thing to have.

Somalis have a good cultural trait, that they can unite when there is an incentive to do so. Adal sultanate was a multi-clan sultanate. Ajuraan also.

Internet Nomad

First we need to define what clan is and why somalis have clans

Definition of clan = a large group of people who are related. Clans existed on every part of the world, what makes somalis different.

Our environment is arid and competition for pasture is constant. Somalis needed clans for support, your family was everything. Clans eventually grew bigger and branched off, even fighting those who belong to the same clan family.

Somalis today still fight for pasture and by extent, for resources which land is. If somalis want to move forward, this issue must be addressed. The population must give power to the state, which becomes the ”clan” for all somalis. Tending to their needs etc. But to achieve this, there is one thing also needed.

Somalis are going through a social decay. Its literally every man for himself, families literally fight each other and clans in reality don’t even help their members. How to fix this?

I really think socialetal conditioning is needed. We would need somalis to spread the message of unity and co-operation on social media, especially tiktok. Not in a superficial way, but really explaining why somalis need to unite.

Meanwhile, somalis need to support law & order. The war against Al-shabaab will eliminate this organisation and there will be no one to oppose our government. Law & order is needed to succeed, its the most important thing to have.

Somalis have a good cultural trait, that they can unite when there is an incentive to do so. Adal sultanate was a multi-clan sultanate. Ajuraan also.
Somali have clans like any other group but the time for clans has passed the world is in the nationstate phase. If do not catch up, ww3 or climate change might destroy us.

Somali under the independence movement and the barre regime were very pro union. Its a shame it all fell apart.
How can somalis shift from a qabil centric society to a pan-Somali societal model?

Societies which have strong foundations last the test of time. As history has shown Qabil is not a strong foundation.

Here a sample of questions:
  • How would you convince Somali Qabil elders to submit to the state?
  • How would you treat any qabil discriminations within the government?
  • How do you prevent Conspiracies theories from bad actors?
  • How would you convince people who were historically victims of qabil violence to unite with the larger Somali community and drop the idea of qabil loyalty.

My background is Isaaq so it puts me in a unique position when on one-side i want to see a united Somaliweyn where we drop qabil loyalty for Somali unity. However i have family members who lost loved ones during the Isaaq genocide. So how do you convince people how have seen a genocide to trust a hypothetical Somaliweyn.

I don't want simple throwaway answers like Sharia or Secularism. Keep that to your self. I want an response where you actually engage with the question or go to a different thread.
Somalis should learn from Malaysia, to restore their old social polities, Malaysia has multiple states ruled by sultans. While on the other hand somalia has sultans but they're irrelevant. African countries weren't allowed to evolve properly, and that's why most nation states in Africa fail.

Internet Nomad

Somalis should learn from Malaysia, to restore their old social polities, Malaysia has multiple states ruled by sultans. While on the other hand somalia has sultans but they're irrelevant. African countries weren't allowed to evolve properly, and that's why most nation states in Africa fail.
Do you think we should bring back the Xeer system but revamped
How can somalis shift from a qabil centric society to a pan-Somali societal model?

Societies which have strong foundations last the test of time. As history has shown Qabil is not a strong foundation.

Here a sample of questions:
  • How would you convince Somali Qabil elders to submit to the state?
  • How would you treat any qabil discriminations within the government?
  • How do you prevent Conspiracies theories from bad actors?
  • How would you convince people who were historically victims of qabil violence to unite with the larger Somali community and drop the idea of qabil loyalty.

My background is Isaaq so it puts me in a unique position when on one-side i want to see a united Somaliweyn where we drop qabil loyalty for Somali unity. However i have family members who lost loved ones during the Isaaq genocide. So how do you convince people how have seen a genocide to trust a hypothetical Somaliweyn.

I don't want simple throwaway answers like Sharia or Secularism. Keep that to your self. I want an response where you actually engage with the question or go to a different thread.
Don’t even bother Qaabil will always exist in this failed state.
Do you think we should bring back the Xeer system but revamped
Tbh I don't know, but what I do know is that those who think qabiil will just vanish are just too idealistic, I'm more of a realist. Just take a glance at the arab world & compare the monarchies to the Republics, the Republics always leads to dictatorships who are ideology driven, and dictators are more prone to taking risks compared to monarchies. Some will say the gulf are stable because of oil, well why wasn't Libya & Iraq as stable as them ? Why is jordan πŸ‡―πŸ‡΄ a monarchy with no oil more stable than Syria, Iraq, Libya

Internet Nomad

Don’t even bother Qaabil will always exist in this failed state.
If you not going to contribute then stay silent. We don't want to hear your nihilistic ramblings.
It will never happen, we are driven by emotions. Somaliweyn, Somalinimo, no qabilism etc. All emotions.
Thats the nature of humanity.
It's best to look at historically tribalistic societies like the Scots, for instance, who had their clans as the main political system in Scotland until they were largely crushed after a rebellion and the English monarchy took full control.
The clans were the main political system in Scotland until the time of the battle of Culloden in 1746, when the Jacobite rebellion was crushed by the royal troops of King George II. The last major battle to take place on British soil, Culloden was perhaps the most devastating event to ever overtake Scotland with most of the Scottish soldiers not surviving the fight.

The defeat at Culloden meant that Scotland was once again under the control of the English. Clan culture was never to be the same again with so many clansmen lost on the battlefield, and once the Act of Proscription was put in place in 1746 the playing of bagpipes, clan tartans and speaking Gaelic were all outlawed. The Heritable Jurisdictions Act also came into play in 1746 and essentially removed any land authority that surviving clan chieftains had, with all ownership reverting to the Crown.
Only an outside enemy can unite us, and for us, that is Ethiopia or Kenya, and make the clan system collapse, just like it did for the Scots. But as a pessimist, I don't see Somalis ever moving on from the clan system.
It's best to look at historically tribalistic societies like the Scots, for instance, who had their clans as the main political system in Scotland until they were largely crushed after a rebellion and the English monarchy took full control.

Only an outside enemy can unite us, and for us, that is Ethiopia or Kenya, and make the clan system collapse, just like it did for the Scots. But as a pessimist, I don't see Somalis ever moving on from the clan system.
I agree, external threat could bring about unity, germany united all the mini states & bavaria, even with religious and cultural differences because they perceived the French as dangerous. But kenya πŸ‡°πŸ‡ͺ & Ethiopia πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ή aren't as unified as France, Ethiopia are in the midst of a civil war and kenya has lots of different ethnic groups.


It's best to look at historically tribalistic societies like the Scots, for instance, who had their clans as the main political system in Scotland until they were largely crushed after a rebellion and the English monarchy took full control.

Only an outside enemy can unite us, and for us, that is Ethiopia or Kenya, and make the clan system collapse, just like it did for the Scots. But as a pessimist, I don't see Somalis ever moving on from the clan system.
2023 Ethiopia is probably weaker than 18th century England. The English state was absurdly strong.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
It's best to look at historically tribalistic societies like the Scots, for instance, who had their clans as the main political system in Scotland until they were largely crushed after a rebellion and the English monarchy took full control.

Only an outside enemy can unite us, and for us, that is Ethiopia or Kenya, and make the clan system collapse, just like it did for the Scots. But as a pessimist, I don't see Somalis ever moving on from the clan system
@Ahmedahmed5000 @GemState

Countries and by extend humans are moving towards larger organisational methods like the EU, EAC and ASEAN. This development will affect somalis who will be influenced by this trend.

Also in 20 years, the population of Ethiopia will double, creating possibly large scale conflict and possibly unite all of galbeed against invaders

Hot take but somali state encompassing all somalis would have formed eventually. Nearly every notable sultanate somalis had included multiple clans. Add in the fact that humans are moving towards larger organisations, a somaliweyn state is almost inevitable.