How did SOUTH KOREA become so RICH?

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South Korea become the country it is today because of strong competent leadership and governance by Halyeey Park Chung-Hee.

First Koreans unlike other African governments had high literacy rate to begin with due to their colonization by the Japanese who educated them for
assimilation in the future.

Then there were land reforms that took place that allowed farmers to be more productive because they had ownership over the land they farmed. This allowed them to work harder in making bigger yields where before they weren't as motivated as they were just tenants for a landlord. This means more food production, which grew the population and allowed less foreign imports that bleed the country of capital.

Then he got involved in the Vietnam war sending thousands of troops that were payed by the Americans while Korean government got additional aid to kick-start their economic programs. He also went to Japan signed a peace agreement with them in return for more economic aid and investment by Japanese companies that transferred tech knowledge and know how to Korean companies. The Japanese aid was actually reparations for their colonization of South Korean so they were for the average Korean who suffered under Japanese rule like the comfort women but he took that money directly instead to propel economic growth. The xoolo African dictator would eat that money himself.

A large pool of workers allowed South Korea to be an attractive place for foreign companies like China today. This allowed increased employment and the more capital for the country.

There was heavy government support to domestic Korean firms through government grants, strict anti-union labor laws, while procuring foreign loans for them becoming their collateral. Any debt they couldn't pay back was payed by the government and he closed off the Korean market for them from foreigners but kept them competitive by propping up successful ones and pulling the support plug on the noncompetitive and unprofitable ones. This allowed greater risk taking for Korean companies which ultimately paid off.

Human capital was very important because the new companies needed highly skilled workers, so there was heavy emphasis on educating the populace.

The only negative of this was the creation of "Chaebols" which are huge conglomerates that dominate almost every sector of the Korean economic society. Chaebols such as Hyundai, Samsung, LG and others create anything from ships, to cars, to smartphones, home appliances to TVs. They also are involved in insurance, construction, hotels and every other thing imaginable. This monopolisation of the Korean domestic market allows them to compete globally with other comapnies worldwide, but they stifle entrepreneurship in South Korea so the people have no option but to work for them. It's just not possible to compete with them. So this lowers any chance of serious innovation .They also still have that crony relationship with the SK goverment as seen in the recent scandal with the daughter of Park Chung-Hee so any chance of reforms is very low.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Somalis with average 50 IQ can dream of the South Korean progress :francis:

Our brains can only think about qabyaalad, war and how to oppose the govt.
Somali Brains cannot handle more sophisticated issues such as water management, food crisis, urban planning.

Race realism y'all.

I doubt the average IQ of Koreans was any higher than Africans in the 1950-60s. You guys are either trolling or ignorantly simplifying a complex phenomena.

As to the question in the OP, there are a whole host of reasons as to why South Korea has achieved economic success. Some of it was down to simple luck, the US wanted a strong ally against the growing communist threat and threw money at SK to help develop it's economy and keep its government from following North Korea (at this point in time the North was much wealthier and more industrialised).

Another reason was the particular path to economic growth which the Korean government under President Park Chung-Hee followed. It was called import substitution and helped develop infant industries inside Korea by propping up its major companies like Samsung (which started out as a green-eyed) and Hyundai to compete with bigger and more established western companies and manufacturers on the world stage. There was strong government emphasis on key industries such as heavy industry, chemical and textile manufacturing. The government achieved this by emphasising on low tax, low/zero interest rate loans, higher import tariffs to keep the competition out as well as investment in the only resource South Korea had, it's people. Another reason was president Park invested huge money into public and civil infrastructure. He understood that building roads, rail and sea ports were vital for Korean companies to stay competitive as they needed the infrastructure to move goods and import/export their produce cheaply. This was also in part helped by the training and infrastructure laid by the previous Imperial Japanese government when the occupied and colonised Korea. Many of the major companies in Korea started out as subcontractors for major Japanese corporations like Mitsubishi.

There were many other reasons as well, all unique to Korea and the geopolitical climate at the time but claiming it was because they were just born smarter is absurd and unfair to the hard work and sacrifice an entire generation of Koreans made to launch their country into an economically preeminent position.
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There's no reason for us to reinvent the wheel, we just have to basically copy the inventions of other ppl, improve it if it's possible (not like the cheap Chinese versions) and then sell it at a very competitive price. This is very realistic, and doable for us, almost everyone of these developed nations copy of each other and we should follow suit


As i live and breathe
Intelligence is estimated to be around 50-80% genetic. Quality of Education itself is an indicator of how smart a society is. If you come from a low IQ society you will get subpar education

I don't buy that the low IQ we see in the third world is mostly due to genetics. The Flynn effect seems to put that claim to rest.

As you probably know IQ sky rocketed during the 20th century (in the West), the white IQ 100 years ago is 70 by today's IQ test standards. Meaning whites 100 years ago had the same intelligence as Africans today (if we are to believe that IQ measures innate human intelligence). The white IQ today is around 100. How is that possible? Evolution doesn't work that fast after all.

The IQ of Asian immigrants in the US was likewise very low in the past. I'm thinking environment plays a big role in all of this.


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
I don't buy that the low IQ we see in the third world is mostly due to genetics. The Flynn effect seems to put that claim to rest.

As you probably know IQ sky rocketed during the 20th century (in the West), the white IQ 100 years ago is 70 by today's IQ test standards. Meaning whites 100 years ago had the same intelligence as Africans today (if we are to believe that IQ measures innate human intelligence). The white IQ today is around 100. How is that possible? Evolution doesn't work that fast after all.

The IQ of Asian immigrants in the US was likewise very low in the past. I'm thinking environment plays a big role in all of this.
{Citation Needed}


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Somalis with average 50 IQ can dream of the South Korean progress :francis:

Our brains can only think about qabyaalad, war and how to oppose the govt.
Somali Brains cannot handle more sophisticated issues such as water management, food crisis, urban planning.



It's all so tiresome
Average IQ doesn't really prevent us from competing against first world countries.

It's usually the top smartest 1-10% of the population who really do most the work in organising society.

As long as we have tens of thousands of high IQ skinnies they should be able to do the same.

All that we're missing is a culture of hard work which we look down on.

It also helps to have an highly competitive neighbour that you want to compare yourself with.

Everyone is their neighbour's rival. Same with Britain and France and Korea and Japan.

Historically we just limited ourselves to the production levels of Ethiopia and the Arabs.

Once we get a stable government it won't take long to catch up to Ethiopia and the EAC but that won't be enough.
Intelligence is estimated to be around 50-80% genetic.

Assuming we all agree IQ is a good proxy for "intelligence," where did you get the 50-80% statistic? Most academics/scientists are so hesitant to be so bold since we know very little about how the human mind and by extension intelligence works.
BTW, regarding the question asked in the original post: the answer is the Japanese. Korea was dirt poor country when the Japenese colonized them. It was the Japanese who introduced formal education, built up the foundation for basic infrastructure and civil service. S. Korea and Ghana had the same GDP per capita in 1960.

So the question this thread should really be asking is: How did the Japanese get so rich in the first place? Remember, the Japanese announced to the world their preeminence in 1905 after they defeated the Russian in a naval battle.


I have no proof, only whispers
I don't buy into the whole IQ bs.

North and South Korea are genetically the same people, yet one is one of the richest countries in the world and the other poor. It has more to do with proper governance.
South Korea went from being extremely poor and destitute to one of the most advanced in the world! I have so much respect for them Wallahi, truly brilliant people
Denmark and Norway are some of the most wealthy countries in the world, and their corruption levels are the lowest in the world.
This is an illusion. Every state has corruption, especially the wealthiest, that's how they became wealthy in the first place.
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