How diverse is your extended family???

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My family is very diverse mashallah. Almost everyone who is second generation has married a non Somali. We have Ethiopians, Eritreans, AA, Arabs, white, Pakistanis, Indians, and Hispanics. All are Muslim mashallah and strong on the sunnah. We had a family picnic a few months ago and it felt like we had the entire UN there. Only 2 in our generation were married to other Somalis. I hope to continue this trend inshallah. What about you guys???
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President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
All Somalis except one cousin who married an AA and we swiftly cut her off.
My family is very diverse mashallah. Almost everyone who is second generation has married a non Somali. We have Ethiopians, Eritreans, AA, Arabs, white, Pakistanis, Indians, and Hispanics. All are Muslim mashallah and strong on the sunnah. We had a family picnic a few months ago and it felt like we had the entire UN there. Only 2 in our generation were married to other Somalis. I hope to continue this trend inshallah. What about you guys???

your ancestors are weeping in their graves
My family is very diverse mashallah. Almost everyone who is second generation has married a non Somali. We have Ethiopians, Eritreans, AA, Arabs, white, Pakistanis, Indians, and Hispanics. All are Muslim mashallah and strong on the sunnah. We had a family picnic a few months ago and it felt like we had the entire UN there. Only 2 in our generation were married to other Somalis. I hope to continue this trend inshallah. What about you guys???
>Edited the part where you mentioned Jamaican Muslims


Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
Most communities discourage out-marriage, they normally don't celebrate it. You're like a specimen to be studied. So, what benefits have you acquired from this UN picnic get together and what will they do for Somalia and what will their children do? I'm curious in how they will benefit Somalis. Or are you one of those post-racial salafi types?
your ancestors are weeping in their graves
I couldn't careless what my savage ancestors think of us. We are enlightened new generation that only cares about the deen. We are doctors, engineers, scientists, nurses, business executives and much more while they were just ignorant camel herders. The sahabah couldn't care about their ancestors culture and beliefs so who am I???


Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
I couldn't careless what my savage ancestors think of us. We are enlightened new generation that only cares about the deen. We are doctors, engineers, scientists, nurses, business executives and much more while they were just ignorant camel herders. The sahabah couldn't care about their ancestors culture and beliefs so who am I???

Yet most Arab, Indian, Pakistani, Malaysian, Bosnian etc Muslims want to marry their own people. Are they at fault for wanting to do that? Your reasoning is horrible.
Most communities discourage out-marriage, they normally don't celebrate it. You're like a specimen to be studied. So, what benefits have you acquired from this UN picnic get together and what will they do for Somalia and what will their children do? I'm curious in how they will benefit Somalis. Or are you one of those post-racial salafi types?
Most communities also discourage monotheism and promote shirk and kufr so what exactly is your point??? the benefits are too much to enumerate and I would just be accused of trolling by a jahil nationalist like you so there is no point. I don't care what it will do for Somalia or Somalis alone. They will inshallah benefit the entire Muslim Ummah which includes Somalis and not just focus on Somalis. Iska dhal Muslim kids are immune to the evils of nationalism and racism and when raised by Muslim parents who are firm on the sunnah they end up being a benefit to the entire Ummah. The benefits at least in my eyes are quite clear.
He's just a different ethnicity. Most Somalis prefer to marry their own.

I am sure they do. once again I dont care what most Somalis do or they prefer to marry. I just wanted to know if any other people here had a diverse family that did not have any of these racial hangups. My family I would say is the ideal Muslim family alhamdulilah.
MashaALlah such a diverse family you have diablos. I agree with you what matters is deen.

Thank you for your kind words abaayo. Deen is all that matters in the end of the day and the main component of compatibility. Dont let these jahil nationalists gets to you with their dislike campaign. You speak nothing but the truth.
It did not matter

Subhanallah how disgusting that you would treat a Muslim like that. I hope and pray inshallah that the sister and her husband assuming he is Muslim are given strength to overcome this adversity. You and your family are paralyzed with the diseases from Jahiliyyah.

Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi: the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said:
“If there comes to you (to propose marriage to your daughter) one with whose religious commitment and character you are pleased, then marry (your daughter) to him, for if you do not do that, there will be fitnah (tribulation) on earth and widespread corruption".
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