What can you do for me? That's what I am interested in.Sounds very silly but surely I couldn’t do any worse than these blatantly corrupt and careless stooges. Unless Halane is forcing people to become useless and corrupt (because nothing else explains why every president doesn’t at least move the country forward even one step), I would be great for my country. I love my country, I love my people and I genuinely do not believe in clan supremacy. The somali bantu, the madhiban and the so called big clans are the same to me. A bit about me:
I am 32
I have bachelors in Engineering and I intend to get my masters some day, hopefully soon.
I am not gaal or mulxid. I am a practicing Muslim.
as for my political beliefs:
I believe in semi democratic Somalia where the constitution would be mostly inspired by Islamic law for major zero tolerance crimes like murder, rape, corruption(execution for the former two and lengthy prison sentences for the latter). At the same time people would be free to do whatever they want. Ou yeah no fucking social media until everybody’s IQ is at least 100, literally everyone (no adults left behind).
and the biggest reason why i would want to become president is getting rid of halane, cadaan ngos and fucking ethiopian, kenyan and other African soldiers in the country. To do this, I would first have to fight and remove alshabab which I would absolutely prioritize because they are used as pretense as to why we have so much ajnabis stealing our lands, and instigating between our people.
so what do yall think? Am I dreaming here? Should I give up?
if not how do I try? I don’t fucking wanna be beholden to arab daddy countries but at the same time you need money to run.