How do imagine sspot users to look?


@Sharmaarke have u noticed the 'extensive' amount of 'pics' on somalispot, this is now a pattern, we can capture some meaningful data and find out the reason. If we find out the reason, we can automatically 'get' into these ppl head knowing how their thought processes are and ensure they study fields suited for them where they can succeed. See we need more places like that in Somalia, where we just study the 'cadow' and find key repetitive patterns and work out theories and testings untill we prove it.

I see it in Somalia also they don't 'write' on stores it's all 'pictures' meaning their some form of 'retardation' but don't tell them, we need to not make it worse, but slowly cure it. White ppl know the worst thing u can do is create inferiority u need to enpower niyahow. Sxb what is the reason beyond illertacy because it follows the diaspora also, cud it be genetic?



For that 1 guy they mad 100 million, its worth it. Thats how I see it niyahow just pure economic calculation but in fishery we losing big time tho, their winning taking far more. Dude they killed sulaymani in iran running the whole defence for iran globally, your talking about some mj dude.

U think I have morals dont u, then i cant be cilmani niyahow and impartial becuz i wud be biased. I am nihilist. I believe in BENEFIT ALWAYS, ACCEPT MINIMAL LOSS. I DONT MIND LOSING 2 LIVES, IF I GET 10 MILLION IN RETURN. I AM JUST WEIRD BRO, I JUST KNOW I CANT WIN 100% IN SCIENCE NOONE CAN, U MAXIMIZE LIKE BUSINESS