This is what fully light skin looks like.
While my skin colour looks like this. It's light brown but it's still considered lightskin.
That’s not lightskin that’s brown dafuq kkkk
This is what fully light skin looks like.
While my skin colour looks like this. It's light brown but it's still considered lightskin.
Interracial offspring's are also healthier, stronger and smarter than a pure race individuals
The pros are greater than the cons
There's no truth to your argument.
Oh? Tell me how your ajnabi descendants will give a crap about somali culture. That heritage will be long gone a couple of generations down the line. Please explain how i'm wrong.
Don't be so delusional, Somalis are some the most racist people on this planet, this forum alone reflects that.
Hogwash. Mixed-race marriages are maladaptive in that they reduce a person's overall genetic fitness - i.e. passing on copies of one's own genes. It is argued by many that marrying within your ethnicity increases Darwinian fitness. There are also other problems, such as biracial children being unable to find organ or bone marrow transplants.
This is not true. We're not even the most racist in Africa
No we're not. There isn't even 5 % foreign admixture within Somalis the past 5000 years cuck.Do you know that Somalis are a product of thousands of years of interracial marriage/interaction?
Your culture wont die, it'll just evolve to the next stage, nothing ever stays stagnant or permanent anyways, were all undergoing a continuous process of change
If religion can be taught and practiced through generations and generations, why wouldn't that same logic apply for Somali culture? You really have no basis for your argument, it's just speculation of what you fear might happen.
You live in a bubble if you don't think Somalis are racist. I don't know why people on this forum aren't capable of being even a little self-critical.
Lol, religion isn't tied to a specific people. What a stupid comparison.
I've seen it with my own eyes. People who have an Asian great grandpa, or an African great grandma. Nothing is preserved, they only became footnotes in their ancestry.
Don't believe me? Please tell how these white kids (who are 1/4th somali mind you) will have anything to do with Somalis.
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Shut the f*ck up.They are extremely violent and aggressive my father can not even walk properly now a hawiye shot him in his knee and he now walks with a limp.
No, you live in a bubble. Somalis are very welcoming irl compared to pretty much every other Muslim or conservative group. Somalis are hateful with words and defecate all over the internet, but they're a no-show when it comes to action
There are a lot of shitty elements to our culture for example the food
We're objectively less racist than a very large chunk of the world.
If religion can be taught and practiced through generations and generations, why wouldn't that same logic apply for Somali culture? You really have no basis for your argument, it's just speculation of what you fear might happen.
Religions are actually tied down to specific groups of people in specific regions of the world. That much is evident.
I don't care what you've seen with your eyes, your experiences are not statistically significant, you cannot generalise them.
Do you know that Somalis are a product of thousands of years of interracial marriage/interaction?
Your culture wont die, it'll just evolve to the next stage, nothing ever stays stagnant or permanent anyways, were all undergoing a continuous process of change
Culture =\= biological makeup.
If I pack up one day and go to, let’s just say Japan, I wear a kimino everyday, I eat their food and to take it further, I buy a katana and join a Dojo. Let’s not kid ourselves, at the end of the day, I will never be considered Japanese by the people of Japan. To argue this point would be foolish. Your identity is 95% Race. I have no problem with ajanabi relationships but please stop with the nonsense.
And your sister is an amisom semen receptacleWhy is this bahante @Somaliweyne Unionist on our dick 24/7. You are an Isaaq slave who has no right to even mention the great Hawiye![]()