How do you look after yourself?

How do you guys look after yourself? What is your glow up routine? For the girls is it monthly facials, supplements , gym maybe even.....injections and for the guys what's your way of looking after yourself?


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
I wish more guys had a basic skin care. While my sisters have tons of products and long routine. Sunscreen, moisturize and cleaning foam has given me the same results as my sisters as they put in 5x the effect lol

I highly recommended anyone in their late 20s or older to start using tretinoin or at minimum retinol cream. People mistake for being in my early 20s or surprised when i tell them im in my late 20s. It probably had the biggest effect. This is what convinced me modern skin care is game changing.

For hair shampoo, conditioner and barbers every 2 weeks. Gym 2 times a week but my diet is trash... and more aches on my skin

I try to get as much sleep as possible. It sad to see so many guys fall off while most girls still look good or even better then when they were in their 20s, well into their late 30s, if they take care of themselves and knowing it takes half the effort for us guys to look as good
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Gym, lots of sports (running, football, cycling), regular meet ups with friends / family, skin care: moisturise + retinol before bed, eat well (and try new places/ cuisines)
I don't do much in all honesty, I look presentable as much as I can, my beard can get pretty rowdy, so I try to maintain that
Carb cycling + Intermittent fasting for skin, avoid refined carbs, only consume complex carbs like oats or rice, rest of diet is meats and fats, organic coconut oil for hair & moisturiser (legit hack - everyone will wonder what you're doing with your skin/hair), avoid PUFA oils by all means as it ages you and is toxic as, substitute for butter, pressed orange juice cleanse to filter liver/kidneys for 3 days straight once a month, in bed before 10pm as staying up increases cortisol, which also ages you. Hormonal blood profile check every 6 months.

As long as I stay lean - below 15% - and avoid processed foods I'm happy.

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Is it just me or do somali people have great skin overall, my mother for example barely uses anything and she does not have any wrinkles, I myself have not had any changes to my skin as of yet


I put Books to the Test of Life
Is it just me or do somali people have great skin overall, my mother for example barely uses anything and she does not have any wrinkles, I myself have not had any changes to my skin as of yet
I thought it was only me I used to be confused I never had that puberty stage where your supposed to get spots or acne, I have same skin texture since toddler days:ahh:Thanks to my Pops. Teachers used to think he was my older brother during parents evenings.

I even force Ajnabi non Muslims to say Allahu Mabarak to avert evil eye:lolbron:
1. I am mainly vegetarian, occasionally eat meat, and this is a secret for staying young in my opinion.

2. I exercise everyday, some yoga every morning and martial arts.

3. I try to exfoliate every night and moisturise either in the morning or before sleep.

4. Most importantly pray 5 salah on time daily.

5. Read some quran every day along with dhikr.

6. Meditate

7. Don't judge others only judge yourself and be happy with what Allah has given you.

These are my daily ways of taking care of my mental, spiritual and physical health.

