How do you reject a guy in a nice way?

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Hayyeeee so she was a self hating nacas trying to fit in with the white kids

I wonder how the business is doing these days I haven't been there in years.


I get her hate for Jews though I mean, she's a Falastini :mjkkk:

Were on the same page bro havent been there for a while too
Okay so there is this Spanish guy in my University who I sit next to in class, he's incredibly charismatic, funny and brightens up my day when the lesson feels dull. We befriended each other because he makes me genuinely laugh, he's an exchange student and won't be here for long so I thought why not make friends? Me and my girfriend recently noticed he's started acting weird, like he would pull me and my chair closer to him when we're talking or kiss the top of my hands when I do something and tell me i'm beautiful, I told her it might be just something in his culture. Lately everytime we talk he would straight up blush in front of me, like his face will legitimate go red which is weird because he's not shy and all the girls in my class all seem to fancy him because he's a "hot boy from Spain and has pretty green eyes".

Anyway last Saturday he DMend me that he liked me which literally made me feel conflicted because as you all know I am already in a relationship (my bf goes to a different university) so now idk how to reject him because I really love our friendship. Last year around the end when i wasn't in a relationship something similar happened to me, but with a random Ethiopian boy who sat next to me on the bus and I would frequently see him, anyway he too out of nowhere came up to me once and told me he saw me in his dream and I looked like an "angel" ( i know I'm pretty but that's just ridiculous) anyway I ghosted him bc I didn't know how to reject him.

When I was younger it was easier, everytime I a boy was attracted to me I would give them a subtle hint and point at my hijab so that they would know it wasn't going to work, now I'm not religious and have to face it and be real with all these guys. It's fucking late asf but I'm literally shaking because I am too fucking kind to reject someone. I initially wanted to post this on women's den but knowing that most of the replies would be faraxs I saw no use in it and just post it on general instead.
Tell him to piss off simple as that. Bring out your inner woqooyi girl
Qeelax walashey don't take this wrong but you're single and no guy probaly ever approached you..

I don't like giants, I'm only 5'5 anyway

Girl it ain't my fault somali guys all look malnourished and inbred with fucked up hairline. Maybe you like them ugly but I don't, I'm very pretty and I need a guy at least above average. if I do find a handsome somali man (which is unlikely) I'll let you know.
What type of malis do you got in your ends ๐Ÿ’€
Cartoons Button GIF by Nickelodeon


A blessed human
My boyfriend is hard-working and incredibly smart, the Spanish guy is just very funny but he comes from a more wealthier privileged family so his work ethics aren't half as good. Plus I know my boyfriend longer.
go sis!
Yes Girl GIF


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Qeelax walashey don't take this wrong but you're single and no guy probaly ever approached you..

I don't like giants, I'm only 5'5 anyway

Girl it ain't my fault somali guys all look malnourished and inbred with fucked up hairline. Maybe you like them ugly but I don't, I'm very pretty and I need a guy at least above average. if I do find a handsome somali man (which is unlikely) I'll let you know.
Brady Bunch K GIF


East Africa UNUKA LEH
So you are calling Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad (SAW) ugly? You are calling Khadija ugly? You are saying Arabs are ugly when the Quran itself praises Muhammad (SAW)'s beauty? Hold your tongue you Madow son of a wh*re
I hate when you dusty Arabs equate yourself to Ahl Al Bayt and the prophet saw. This aint the place for that Abu Lahab. Remember this is SomaliSpot not ArabSpot.
The man is attractive and has options but chose you in a sea of white women.

in your opinion itโ€™s because of your exceptional beauty.

In reality you have made yourself too available even to touch, where he now pulls your chair and kisses you at will.

Even worse, this is a recurring event, that has taken place in your life. Before you even met Enrique Suave.

You say you find him funny and he makes you laugh, that in return shows him high interest, but you already knew that.

You possess youth and beauty and all you have to show for it, is a guy who test drives you for free and others who validate you. Not for the person youโ€™re but for how you look!!!

Become someone you can be proud of instead of using your looks, to seek attention and validation from men.

speaking of attention and validation, thank you for proving that this site is filled with simps.
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