How does the average Somali feel about TPLF

Don't you ever call Abdullahi Yusuf AUN a dog ever. He is the lion of Somalia our savior and the one who gave us a proper government. He brought order to our country. Alhamdulillah for him, without his efforts we would be Afghanistan Taliban 2.0 To hell with ICU, may Allah be pleased with AY.

Somalia hasn't had a real government for over 32 years so stop the cap
What does that have to do with anything I just said? Before AY there were warlords and terrorists running the country. He brang back some form of governance and order.
lying GIF

How about instead of calling me a liar you go and read about how the CIA was funding various warlords in Xamar. Then they had to band together to fight the ICU and lost. So many AS members were involved in ICU, it was a terrorist organization. You just can't admit AY was the best thing to happen to the country, the fragile stability we have today is because of him.
How about instead of calling me a liar you go and read about how the CIA was funding various warlords in Xamar. Then they had to band together to fight the ICU and lost. So many AS members were involved in ICU, it was a terrorist organization. You just can't admit AY was the best thing to happen to the country, the fragile stability we have today is because of him.
why you always lying GIF
Don't you ever call Abdullahi Yusuf AUN a dog ever. He is the lion of Somalia our savior and the one who gave us a proper government. He brought order to our country. Alhamdulillah for him, without his efforts we would be Afghanistan Taliban 2.0 To hell with ICU, may Allah be pleased with AY.

TPLF, Oromo, Amhara, Afar all of them are our enemies. Every one of them have tried to undermine Somalis, don't trust any of them. Habesha fighting among themselves is a good thing. I'm telling you what's happening to TPLF is Allah's will. The amount of innocents they killed during their invasion they are paying for it. It was good they defeated ICU, but they went too far and killed innocents with no repercussions. They plan, but Allah plans as well.

At one post, you shake your booty for the invasion, on the other you lament the destruction of Mogadishu by Ethiopia. We don't need your fake sympathy dofaar yahow.

At one post, you shake your booty for the invasion, on the other you lament the destruction of Mogadishu by Ethiopia. We don't need your fake sympathy dofaar yahow.

AY had no choice but to use Ethiopians to defeat the ICU. They were trying to take Baidoa which prompted Ethiopians to move in. It was either that or terrorists take control of most of the country. It was the lesser of two evils in a difficult time . They were successful with defeating ICU, but conducted themselves horribly in some cases. The Ethiopians should've been held accountable for the extra stuff they did. The world is not as black and white as you think it is. I can support the invasion and still criticize some of their actions. TPLF are getting destroyed now though, it is qadr.
AY had no choice but to use Ethiopians to defeat the ICU. They were trying to take Baidoa which prompted Ethiopians to move in. It was either that or terrorists take control of most of the country. It was the lesser of two evils in a difficult time . They were successful with defeating ICU, but conducted themselves horribly in some cases. The Ethiopians should've been held accountable for the extra stuff they did. The world is not as black and white as you think it is. I can support the invasion and still criticize some of their actions. TPLF are getting destroyed now though, it is qadr.
I don't even understand you people sometimes. So what should've happened? Should we have just sat and let terrorists take over? You mindless baboons can you not think? This was in the 2000s during the height of the war on terror. How would the world have perceived a terrorist nation?
AY had no choice but to use Ethiopians to defeat the ICU. They were trying to take Baidoa which prompted Ethiopians to move in. It was either that or terrorists take control of most of the country. It was the lesser of two evils in a difficult time . They were successful with defeating ICU, but conducted themselves horribly in some cases. The Ethiopians should've been held accountable for the extra stuff they did. The world is not as black and white as you think it is. I can support the invasion and still criticize some of their actions. TPLF are getting destroyed now though, it is qadr.

f*ck you and f*ck TPLF. In your deluded mind Shiekh Shariif was a terrorist in 2006 but a moderate in 2010. ICU was a largely moderate group the extremists claims were fed by AY camp to facilitate the invasion knowing full well he can not stand up to the much powerful and organized ICU. Order was restored by ICU for the first time in 15 years till that bakhti AY and his TPLF overlords invaded the Mogadishu putting us back to square 1. I can not believe you are supporting the WARLORDS who used to kill, rape and pillage the people of Banadir. In your primitive mind you think CIA supporting warlords is a plus and a commandable act when ICU provided security and basic services neither Warlord or TFG dare to think bout.

Tell me with a straight face @Thebluesomali for the average man was day to day life better under Warlords/TFG/ Al Shabaab or ICU?
f*ck you and f*ck TPLF. In your deluded mind Shiekh Shariif was a terrorist in 2006 but a moderate in 2010. ICU was a largely moderate group the extremists claims were fed by AY camp to facilitate the invasion knowing full well he can not stand up to the much powerful and organized ICU. Order was restored by ICU for the first time in 15 years till that bakhti AY and his TPLF overlords invaded the Mogadishu putting us back to square 1. I can not believe you are supporting the WARLORDS who used to kill, rape and pillage the people of Banadir. In your primitive mind you think CIA supporting warlords is a plus and a commandable act when ICU provided security and basic services neither Warlord or TFG dare to think bout.

Tell me with a straight face @Thebluesomali for the average man was day to day life better under Warlords/TFG/ Al Shabaab or ICU?
Where did I say I supported the warlords? I said Xamar was being ruled by them then the ICU. ICU defeated the warlords and they were better, but are still extremists. There were moderates within the ICU, but there were so many terrorist elements. So many big names in AS were in the ICU courts.
I don't even understand you people sometimes. So what should've happened? Should we have just sat and let terrorists take over? You mindless baboons can you not think? This was in the 2000s during the height of the war on terror. How would the world have perceived a terrorist nation?

Nice straw man you built there. ICU was largely moderate and there were ongoing negotiations between ICU and TFG till AY pulled the plug and green light the TPLF invasion only for him to resign after 2 years and run back to the hole he came from. What a disgraceful and failed warlord.
Where did I say I supported the warlords? I said Xamar was being ruled by them then the ICU. ICU defeated the warlords and they were better, but are still extremists. There were moderates within the ICU, but there were so many terrorist elements. So many big names in AS were in the ICU courts.

Literal AQ member and future AS leader was secretary general. Terrorists in high positions within the ICU. There were moderates yes, but there were extremists were within the group. If you look at who had the high ranking court positions many would eventually go and join AS.


amisom xabashi la socoto abdullahi yusuf xaraan weeyaan laakiin amisom bantu la socoto sharif sheikh xalaal weeyaan. caqli cajiib.



The TPLF Federalized Ethiopia putting it on the inevitable path of Yugoslavia. Thank God for the short sightedness of the Tigray and their hatred of Amharas, they did more harm to Ethiopia's foundations than Somalis could dream of.

We will live to see a independent Galbeed because of the TPLF, if the Amhara were in charge, Ethiopia would continue the policy Haile Selassie and later the Derg chose, the path Morocco chose, of complete national assimilation into the ruling prestige language of the country(Amharic). Total cultural genocide
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amisom xabashi la socoto abdullahi yusuf xaraan weeyaan laakiin amisom bantu la socoto sharif sheikh xalaal weeyaan. caqli cajiib.

AY brought AMISOM, Ethiopians and by virtually almost destroying the moderate faction with Ethiopian tanks, artillery and air force he empowered the terrorist AS. We chose the lesser evil of the three evils Beerlaawe brought to us. AMISOM>Al-Shabab>Xabashi injirley.
AY brought AMISOM, Ethiopians and by virtually almost destroying the moderate faction with Ethiopian tanks, artillery and air force he empowered the terrorist AS. We chose the lesser evil of the three evils Beerlaawe brought to us. AMISOM>Al-Shabab>Xabashi injirley.
The terrorists were training since the 90s secretly. AQ had already infiltrated the country. Many radicalized Somalis returned from Afghanistan and started training other Somalis. Even in Xamar they had training camps set up in houses secretly, the invasion didn't empower them. How does that make any sense? Once ICU collapsed the extremists regrouped together. In fact ICU second in command Aweys would go on to from Hizbul Islam to fight against Sheikh Sharif his former "ally" just a few years ago. They just wanted power and once they lost all their high positions in the ICU they started fighting. You think they were fighting to defeat Ethiopia? Same thing today, you think they fight to kick out AMISOM? As if that's they're only goal. They're only goal is to create an evil state that is built on fear. Habesha, AMISOM, USA, SNA all the same to them. When you say the invasion empowered them you are giving them too much credit as if they had honourable goals. Some of you think the invasion just spawned terrorists as if they weren't already lurking. Keep lying to yourselves. Anyone who supports ICU is a terrorist sympathizer in my eyes. You wanted us to just sit back relax as we become Afghanistan.

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
Nice straw man you built there. ICU was largely moderate and there were ongoing negotiations between ICU and TFG till AY pulled the plug and green light the TPLF invasion only for him to resign after 2 years and run back to the hole he came from. What a disgraceful and failed warlord.

I am not about to praise the men that tried to manage an upcoming invasion. Everyone with a functioning brain would have seen the western invasion coming. TPLF was not in charge of ethiopia the west was. Al shabaab is an offspring of the ICU the longer ICU lived the bigger AS would have after splitting of them.

I blame the ICU for not understanding geopolitics and messing up the stability they worked hard for.

They where in charge so they get the blame. The ICU had no allies no backers nothing besides their own manpower. What where they thinking 🤔.

AY tried to influence the invasion since it couldn't be stopped. It was going to happen either way. Your pride is what killed all those innocent somalis. And it is the same reason why we shouldn't allow just anyone in politics.


Bantu Liberation Movement
Nice straw man you built there. ICU was largely moderate and there were ongoing negotiations between ICU and TFG till AY pulled the plug and green light the TPLF invasion only for him to resign after 2 years and run back to the hole he came from. What a disgraceful and failed warlord.
As long as there’s a Western backed federalist system the only losers will be Hutu terrorists and their Arab jihadis.




One man said no amxaaro will come into Xamar, I will negotiate with ICU.

The other stopped negotiations, brought in Amxaaro/AMISOM, ends negotiations with ICU and resigns in disgrace leading Nuur’s ‘government’ to negotiate again and bring in the moderate ICU members like Shariif, Damul Jadiid, Ictisaam etc etc.


Bantu Liberation Movement
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One man said no amxaaro will come into Xamar, I will negotiate with ICU.

The other stopped negotiations, brought in Amxaaro/AMISOM, ends negotiations with ICU and resigns in disgrace leading Nuur’s ‘government’ to negotiate again and bring in the moderate ICU members like Shariif, Damul Jadiid, Ictisaam etc etc.
One man's federalism will exist forever and the other was denied entry to villa Somalia by his own Hutus.