Snm butchered Gadabuursi civilians and shelled warsangeli villagesHow's it cuqdad, we just don't want anything to do with the south politically. If it was cuqdad we had, we would have cleansed our biggest enemies from the last regime Dhulo & Gadabuursi instead of having reconciliation
I think many if not all of you guys are insincere and dishonest. If I bring proof that SL existed as a sovereign recognized country, that the unification of SL & Somalia wasn't legally binding since there was no act of union signed, if I bring to you irrefutable evidence that Somaliland was never part of Somalia & vice versa but joined together in principal only, with nothing legally binding them; you and the rest will still repeat the same shit of "secession" "somalidiid" " Somalia wa mid" blah blah blah. So why would I want anything to do with dishonest people as a whole.
Look at your own daarood clan. Each of your sub sub sub clans wants it's own federal state, even if it's half or part of a gobol. Hawiye, not much different. Bruh wtf wrong with you peopleFok man, you guys are all savages

The only reason why they didn't attack dhulos was they were unsure of victory