How many Konfurians?

Somaliland leaving?

  • Yes,I think they should leave

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • No,SomaliWeyn bs

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe,it depends on certain factors

    Votes: 4 25.0%

  • Total voters
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Prince of East Africa
:drakekidding:I don't insult biiyomaal, I insult anyone who has a problem with SL even if they're Isaaq.

I'm a nationalist, something wanlaweyn can never understand. They confuse nationalism with rhetoric such as singing somaliyey tooso, or waving a blue flag. If I do both of these actions then apparently I'm a true waddani and all about somalinimo. Even tho I support the government who sells my air, land, sea, and worst of all women:childplease: . Keep calling me retarded, I stand for principles and betterment of my ppl
Rageedi :denzelnigga:

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
This ain't somaliland, I have a right to express myself :kobeok:
My comments aren't that serious, I would give you ictiraaf if I could. But like I said maybe you should lobby the many Isaaqs who are actually in the SFG. :mjlaugh: Instead of a girl who's never stepped foot in Africa.

Btw 90% of modern somali culture comes from the south including the clothing and material called 'alindi' that you guys parade everyday, as well as food/ayuuto/xaawalad/most of the language comes from the south as well.


Funnily enough my ancestors are orginally from mudug, I rate them over qaldaans but still perfer reer koofur. Even my ayeeyo changed her accent to a mudug one because even she could admit the mudug accent is superior.

Btw last I checked my ayeeyo's tribe are pro-Somaliland. You still trying to wrap your head around someone having opinions that aren't stereotypical for their tribe.


You insult biimal and their dhaqan, unfortunately you have no understanding of the south and assume 'hawiye' are the majority. :mjlol::mjlol:

You and your sidekicks revel in mahe dir being kicked out of our deegans by hawiyes. Sorry but you guys are easy to dislike, I have HJ in my fam and love them to bits but I dont tolerate delusions. If you consider that anti somaliland, well than so be it. :lolbron:

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
a girl who's never stepped foot in Africa.

That's all I needed to read. There's no point in entertaining anything else you said after that....



Prince of East Africa
This ain't somaliland, I have a right to express myself :kobeok:
My comments aren't that serious, I would give you ictiraaf if I could. But like I said maybe you should lobby the many Isaaqs who are actually in the SFG. :mjlaugh: Instead of a girl who's never stepped foot in Africa.
They will be hanged upon arrival in Hargeisa International Airport you langaab

Btw 90% of modern somali culture comes from the south including the clothing and material called 'alindi' that you guys parade everyday, as well as food/ayuuto/xaawalad/most of the language comes from the south as well.
Ayuto=Hadbad We dont eat the same food either and nikko aint real somal dhaqan.Hold this L swahili dir

Funnily enough my ancestors are orginally from mudug, I rate them over qaldaans but still perfer reer koofur. Even my ayeeyo changed her accent to a mudug one because even she could admit the mudug accent is superior.
We dont care that your grandma was flipflopping accents

Btw last I checked my ayeeyo's tribe are pro-Somaliland. You still trying to wrap your head around someone having opinions that aren't stereotypical for their tribe.We dont give two fucks what your grandma tribe supports


You insult biimal and their dhaqan, unfortunately you have no understanding of the south and assume 'hawiye' are the majority. :mjlol::mjlol:We dont want to understand your swahili coast

You and your sidekicks revel in mahe dir being kicked out of our deegans by hawiyes. Sorry but you guys are easy to dislike, I have HJ in my fam and love them to bits but I dont tolerate delusions. If you consider that anti somaliland, well than so be it. :lolbron:

Over all this post was full of xaar and emotional bs.:sureman::pachah1::pachah1:
From Somali face page

"There is a huge difference between the way Somalis use clans nowadays and how the old Somalis used back in the day. Let me tell you why. We had a conduct back in the days. Clans were used as identity, like itโ€™s prescribed in Islam. If a local from Hargeisa travelled by car or horse all the way to Mogadishu without any food or water, the number of Somali clans that he would meet on the way would supply him with provisions; because he was a traveller and not a local. They would help him with tips and advice. They would never refuse him for that would be the biggest disgrace. In fact, he would be better spoiled as a traveller from a different clan than a local clan-member that lived in the area. This was our code back then, before we acquired statehood in 1960. Nowadays, it turned into pure tribalism void of rationality. It reached to a stage where a businessman would purchase a plane, and make his uneducated clan-member the pilot. What is the end result? He loses both his plane and his clan-member. What did he gain from it?"

(London, United Kingdom)

"Qabiilka sida maanta loo isticmaalo iyo berigi hore, farqi weyn baa u dhaxeeya. Berigii hore waxaa jiray nidaam iyo dhaqan. Qabiilku wuxuu ahaa aqoonsi, sidu Illaahay Diintiisa ku tilmaamay. Berigii hore, ninka Hargaysa ka safra oo Xamar tagaya isagoo raashin sidan, ka heli jiray beelaha kale ee Soomaaliyeed wuxuu ku nolaado madaame u ahaa marti. Ceeb weyn bey ahayd qofkii diida oo aan waxna siin. Dhab ahaantii, waa la kaalmeyn jiray, si wanaagsan. Waayo, xeerka Soomaaliyeed bey ahayd, ka hor intaynaan qaadan xornimada 1960. Iminka, qabiilka waxaa loo isticmaalaa si doqonnimo ku jirto. Wuu isu bedeley qabyaalad. Waxaad arkeysa nin ganacsade oranayo, diyaarad baan iibsanaya. Diyaaraddana wuxuu masuul uga dhigaya inadeerkii oon waxba aqoon baran. Xaalku wuxuu ku dambaynaya, inuu diyaaradii waayo iyo inadeerkiina waayo, Markaa muxuu ka faa'iidaystay?"

(London, Boqortooyada Ingiriiska)


Your superior
You people are stupid, @Dhoobe you didnt even know dir clans but you know all our opinions?

I said my grandmother is fiqishini,but you're to dumb to realise that Qabil exist. Both my parent are dir and three of my grandparents are dir. :ulachen001:

I'm fully dir and fully 'wanleweyn'

Lol dir opinion is like Madow or cadcad opinion, no one cares :yloezpe:

Your elders were in hargeisa crying about hutu abuse a while ago :ftw9nwa:

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
You have 3 Isaaq men arguing and going back and forth with women.

Only qabiil that does that among Somalis.


Wanlaweyn women whether dir, darood or hutu are the only ones who talk about qabiil issues. Alx ours have akhlaaq and know better
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