Congrats. That's more like it. Most folks never get past Juz Camma. That's because they wanna be like a hard drive. The Quran must be the only book which is memorized but never read.Jokes on you. I completed reading Quran one month last Ramadan.
Right now I am just reading hizb once every two days.
There was a good reason for memorization in past ages. Before the printing press was invented, books were rare, expensive, and most people were illiterate so they had to commit information to memory which could not be conveyed to them by literature. Only the wealthy could afford books because if you wanted a book it had to be written out by hand. But after the printing press came along, the need to memorize became obsolete. Books were plentiful. There was no danger of losing information, the original purpose behind rote learning.
All you need to memorize are suras that you need for salaat. Unless you're an imaam leading taraawih prayers, memorizing long suras like Baqarah is not necessary. That's time which could be better spent reading and understanding the Furqan.