How many pushups can you perform right now?


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
I can do nearly 30 pushups in one set ever since I moved back home my fitness has improved. My goal is 50 by Ramadan.
15 each 3 minutes so about 300 in an hr

Think About It GIF by Identity
I am like a volcano, sometimes dormant and other times erupting.

My workouts are my martial arts training, which includes training for stamina and conditioning.

Currently I am dormant and slightly out of shape. But despite that I can do about 30 in one go and keep going with rests in between to around 500.

When the volcano is erupting that will turn into a thousand, and knuckle pushups on concrete.

Nowadays I am like a little puppy, but there was a time that these phases would turn me into a raging tiger inside. Alhamdulilah that I have tamed that beast.
Look at strongman competition sxb they do a few reps and they are winded. While I. The other hand runners can go for and hour without getting winded. I think cardio is sometimes better then strength

don't worry you not gonna be strongman anytime soon lol

Lift weights, play sports/run/ walk for cardio