How many would of you would be willing to marry their cousin, close or distant

How close would you marry into your family

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Caafimaad baby
I know! Especially in the south. Cousin marriages were not common whatsoever during my mother and grandparents generation. Can you imagine, non of my mothers generation and older in her family married a cousin. Now more than half of my cousins back in Xamar have married their first or second cousin!


I don't know why it is becoming common. In the north in the past, cousin marriages was at one point disliked.
We need to go back to the way it was pre-war.

Somalis need a cultural revolution asap:gucciwhat:


or this will be your son

Samaalic Era

I know! Especially in the south. Cousin marriages were not common whatsoever during my mother and grandparents generation. Can you imagine, non of my mothers generation and older in her family married a cousin. Now more than half of my cousins back in Xamar have married their first or second cousin!


I don't know why it is becoming common. In the north in the past, cousin marriages was at one point disliked.
We need to go back to the way it was pre-war.

One thing my father told is that because of the qabiil wars, the men with wives from other qabiils feared that the wife was backing her qabil. This led to many divorces and began the practise of marrying a cousin so that the qabil's secrets and wealth was not known to the rival qabil.

A strange way for it start

Samaalic Era

My family actually want me to marry a 2nd cousin of mine who’s a total package except she’s only a year younger than my ass. Im staying at her at the moment
I’ll let y’all know if I ever end up with her.
Keep us updated sxb. Since you left the deen I would of thought you would against cousin marriages but I am surprised you are ok with.

Samaalic Era

What makes it worse, compared to Arabs is that traditionally Somalis like to raise their children into feeling that their first cousins are like their brothers/sisters. We don't have a culture of separation and segregation like the Arabs.

Yet, they are still marrying each other!!!!
In Somalia, you will find families that have not only their children but also raising their sibilings children in the same house but still end up marrying:dwill:

I can understand a cousin you see here and there and feeling attracted but the first case is strange but Im not against
People like to over exaggerate and sometimes lie. “Cousin marriage” isn’t going to make you look “deformed.” My cousins parents are cousins and he’s perfectly fine. He gets good grades, looks normal and plays sports.


People like to over exaggerate and sometimes lie. “Cousin marriage” isn’t going to make you look “deformed.” My cousins parents are cousins and he’s perfectly fine. He gets good grades, looks normal and plays sports.

your cousins parents are distant cousins thats why hes fine
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One of my first cousins is model tier :banderas:,I'd be a dayuus if I let another man take her without a fight.God gave me a stunning first cousin thats my age for a reason:fittytousand:.

