How often do you speak Somali?

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Queen Carawelo

I try my best to only speak somali with any somali I encounter.

Believe it or not I started learning somali later in life unfortunately so it's been a struggle.
I'm guessing you didn't grow up with grandparents around,. It's okay though, Afsomali is really easy to learn, if you know the basic words then you're good to go.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
You didn't grow up around grandparent eh. It's okay, Afsomali is really easy to learn, if you know the basic words then you're good to go.

Lol yeah I only had one precious grandmom (AUN) whom I met when I was 15. That's when I decided to learn.

Before then I was almost zero, even understanding was very difficult.

I'm ok now I think though. I mean I get laughed at a bit but I'm fluent I think.
I am not a FOB but I speak good Somali and enjoy speaking it.
I speak Somali mostly to Somalis who don't speak good English, but sometimes I will use it to speak to my siblings or my friends.
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