How Shidan, eastern Sanaag was handed over to Sland administration after it was conquered


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Im jealous. I wish I went kaluumaaysi in EasternSanaag.

Also learn AfMaxaaTidhi. if a words to describe clan's cowardice reminds you of fusukh then it says something about your ignorance and your own state of mind.

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Almost ramadan @cabiid should not tell us the fusukh he thinks about when he hears words related to cowardice unless he dropped the soap in prison
Does it matter what subspecies of kaluun we barbecue?

Lets leave it as whatever subspecies of fish vs all Isaaq or a subclan of Isaaq vs all fish eitherway Gadhweyn will eat in FORMER tuna deegaan
I swear this is like the 20th time u refused to state ur subsub.

Dhamaan waa idiin salamay
Shidaan an waqadriya have been burned to the ground.
Controlled by NuuxCumar

Ur right i wont fart in ceeri lakiin if it continues ill set it on fire

Bro, they tryin to save face, irrelevant ppl with irrelevant connection to sanaag.

Keep karbashjng theses bums, and their kin.
Saaxiib these ictiraafland goons are known to lie and feed the masses with fake news. Warsangeli ruled them for a thousand years and we will continue to dominate them. Bohol who is the definition of Langaab has the audacity to call anyone langaab. Habaryonis is similar to Kabbalah in the somali geneology. Harty was Maried to the great great grand daughter of Garhagis. Yet, you can’t handle A sub sub sub sub subclan of warsangeli.

Saaxib I live in 170 villages and 9 districts from sanaag to bari to jubada hoose. From Erigabo to dhudh of Bari 350 kilometers is Called “ Xero warsangeli”. Not to mention our brethren’s in Oman to dhanakil.The entire Garhajis lives in 60 kilometers of land that’s why they are always in conflict with other tribes.They simply don’t have their own land.


Good tears from my tuna victims don't make me humiliate you further like your uncles Siciid Gees use to cry kkkk. Laf ba laydinku wasaya siidi 90skii.

"There were no other Harti in the town, except for two girls from our clan.

Gees felt very emotional, as the house belonged to my grandfather and the
Habar Yoonis were occupying and renting it unlawfully."

Posting articles that you hand picked will not change the reality. Saaxib everyone knows that warsangeli never participated in the the Siyad barre regime and we didn’t mobilize militia like SNM. However, when we became organized your entire snm battalion were massacre in the western outskirts of dammalla hagare. My cousin told me coronel Ducale refuse to even use technicals, they were massacred in the middle of the night.
That was the end of snm in sanaag. Your elders came to beg Nuux Cumar for cease fire in Jidale.


Xoog iyo Xiniyo #NGM enforcer
you don't even have 5k soldiers in the whole of gedo let alone 15k in luuq. We are expanding in every corner of somalia.

How you telling me? Kkk listen you are natives but. Don't get upset with me. I can post evidence to oppose your opinion. In 2020 the six gobol isn't happening. IDPs aren't expanding abti, runtii. The federal lines have been set. The boundary is set and the line is the Jubba river. You are strong minority but you can't deny our numbers as well.
Saaxiib these ictiraafland goons are known to lie and feed the masses with fake news. Warsangeli ruled them for a thousand years and we will continue to dominate them. Bohol who is the definition of Langaab has the audacity to call anyone langaab. Habaryonis is similar to Kabbalah in the somali geneology. Harty was Maried to the great great grand daughter of Garhagis. Yet, you can’t handle A sub sub sub sub subclan of warsangeli.

Saaxib I live in 170 villages and 9 districts from sanaag to bari to jubada hoose. From Erigabo to dhudh of Bari 350 kilometers is Called “ Xero warsangeli”. Not to mention our brethren’s in Oman to dhanakil.The entire Garhajis lives in 60 kilometers of land that’s why they are always in conflict with other tribes.They simply don’t have their own land.

Why the fk do Northern Jabartis like to claim Isaaq ancestry?

@Bill Cosby @Fiidmeer @Faahiye @Bohol @Samaalic Era @Awdalia Rising @Lex Luther @The Good @AarHawd_7 @Dharbash @Cyrus

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How many generations does the Kaluun species go back?
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Arabist| Akh-Right Movement|احب الملكات العرب
wallahi, this was thread was very entertaining loool @Laandhere @Bohol :dead1: :dead1: :dead: Is the war still ongoing or has the dust settled? May the best man win


Male Male Male Male
Why the fk do Northern Jabartis like to claim Isaaq ancestry?

@Bill Cosby @Fiidmeer @Faahiye @Bohol @Samaalic Era @Awdalia Rising @Lex Luther @The Good @AarHawd_7 @Dharbash @Cyrus

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How many generations does the Kaluun species go back?

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Arabist| Akh-Right Movement|احب الملكات العرب
As for now the fighting has stopped. Inshallah it will stay like that.
Lakiin knowing Sanaag it'll probably involve more bloodshed
You can call on Bah Rikhaye for help sxb if need be. Tolkiinu baanu nahay, sidii nago been been nii sheegto oo bariga niga xiga manihin
Yeah that could happen in extreme cases BETWEEN families of the SAME clan.

Why the fk is there a WHOLE clan i.e. Dhulbahante going back 30 odd generations claiming as their mother a woman from a clan going back 20 generations? The WHOLE Isaaq goes back about 20 generations your clan wants to claim the grand daughter of Shiikh Isxaaq as their mother.

Stop that. You dont need to affiliate with Shiikh Isxaaq

