How should the Jeegan be dealt?


North-West, London
Worry about al shabaab first before worrying about us you hutwo.

We will rather die, instead of sharing a country with hypocrites like these. They can bring all their Hawiyes, Daaroods, Eelays, Madows and even that Caare oday who suffers from dementia and diabetes we will crush them god willing.

Send their jareeer ass back to the south


Weeping for the Nation of 68
do u agree with me @SomaliWadaniSoldier ? There's absolutely no reason why we can't sit down with each other like true siblings and just listen to one another. No egos, no anger, no fear etc, just brothers looking at things from all sides :)

Then the Xabashi Jeegans will put forth the same demands.
Not gonna happen.
We will not entertain clanhood.

Wallahi i prefer eternal war instead of a recognized Xabashinized Jeeganland


Weeping for the Nation of 68
We will rather die, instead of sharing a country with hypocrites like these. They can bring all their Hawiyes, Daaroods, Eelays, Madows and even that Caare oday who suffers from dementia and diabetes we will crush them god willing.

Send their jareeer ass back to the south

I like that. Rather die is good.
Finally we agree


Engineer of Qandala
You wasting your time with these Walanweyn, they are not capable to held a civilized discussion. The average IQ in Somalia is actually not higher than 50, but after the union with SL in 1960 it has risen to 68.

Whats wrong with Federalism, it works fine in the USA.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
In Koonfur, Xabashis gets free flying lessons


In Waqooyi, Xabashis are seen as Saints


It's all so tiresome
@RasCanjero the story behind the idea of secessionism was just to stop Somali "irredentism". Lol so instead of our lands being liberated they further break ours apart. No other country has allowed us self determination, we will not further disintegrate, only grow in the future inshaAllah.

Their plans wont work. Somalis dont actually gain anything by becoming small clan states, that much is common sense.

Beside all that, the international community would never allow it. The only reason things got this far is because there was a long civil war without any real govt, it'll take some time but secessionism and all the other issues we have will just fade as the state reinstates itself.

At the end of the day the current stalemate isn't in anyone's favor.

Hawkish Landers would continue to support chaos in the South and be a jumping of point for our regional enemies.

Also who's to say that they won't rejoin us at a later date?


It's all so tiresome
Giving them ssc will just exactrabate the already ongoing war in the region, and it definantly wonโ€™t be connected to somalia, I donโ€™t know what you mean by peace as the north will be in a gruesome war, it will also result in seccesions in the south

The hartis in that contested region change their minds every week.

If given any benefits they'll join sland for the long term.

Puntland can't do shit at that point.

If Somaliland becomes a fully sovereign state they'd be able to provide much better benefits than the current state of constant war.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Alshabab Terrorists are Somalis. The bigger evils are Ethiopia and Kenya.

Wallahi i cant wait when the military campaign against Somalidiids starts.
May Allah hasten that day


Seeker of knowledge and truth
If those favouring independence are in the minority, then Somalia should be pushing for a UN supervised referendum in Somaliland like Quebec. It would instantly end the calls for independence when the majority decide to remain in Somalia.

The fact Somalia isnโ€™t calling for that is a sign that they are aware the vast majority favour full independence.
That's the big trick the Jeegaans know that will fail so they will never attempt it, they can have free and fair elections with eye scanners but not a referendum? i believe they tried a bullshit referendum a while back but it wasn't monitored let them try it see what happens


The hartis in that contested region change their minds every week.

If given any benefits they'll join sland for the long term.

Puntland can't do shit at that point.

If Somaliland becomes a fully sovereign state they'd be able to provide much better benefits than the current state of constant war.
puntland would than also secede as well at that point theres no reason in being in the union that gave away half of its territory for free, subsequently all other Somali regions and clans will follow suit


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