Well that explAins why so many people get killed on sight in Muqdisho .Dudes have gone crazyHarari Swahili Yemenis Persians Arabs Bantu?? Chill wtf.
Muqdisho is a combination of Muuq (Sight) and disho (killer) meaning "Sight killer" in the Somali language, a metaphor for blinding beauty so that means it was founded by Somalis and was always a Somali. If people are gonna claim the city might as well be the ones that control it today
Mogadishu was the biggest wealthiest and most prestigious city on the African coast so I can't blame niggas for trying to claim it
One thing is for certain the city is old (Sarapion). Older than any of the groups claiming it so the founders must have been some extinct Cushitic speakers that lived in the region around 1 AD
Ps. Muqdisho ,like some many coastal cities in the horn ,was a melting point of Arabs ,Persians , cush-ites and some bant_us (not so much Muqdisho ).