How the Prophet ﷺ Taught Hope | Dr. Omar Suleiman


Somali Arab
Are you telling me a guy who does this has any knowledge

Plus he sugarcoats lgbt and try’s making it acceptable and also wants to associate with them

Omar del Sur

Why give himself away, though? "I'm a Mexican-American convert who likes being around other Muslims" kulaha.

give myself away how?

I hardly discuss my ethnicity, it's you that brings it up. yes, I like to post Islamic content. I notice that neither you nor @Periplus show any actual evidence of myself posting anything with any sort of malicious aim.

posting videos of Muslim scholars in the "Islam" section is no more anything sinister than a person posting a verse from the Quran on their instagram.

the fact is saying it's inappropriate for Omar Suleiman to be participating in a pagan ritual and marching with an lgbt priestess is not anything illegal. you two are simply lying about me for ulterior, ideological motives.

