How to enter paradise without punishment - Shaykh bin ‘Uthaymin رحمه الله


Forza Somalia!
You know that the Ibadis see that your prayers will not be accepted if you have an unjust ruler?

Omar del Sur


Omar del Sur

@Aurelian what's crazy is I've seen you mock Sheikh Fawzan but then you talk about the leaders of this deviant Ibadi group with such high esteem.... I have some serious doubt as to whether you are a Sunni Muslim... it's like you're cool with basically anything except ordinary Sunni Islam.

Omar del Sur

as I said before: "whatever weird strange ideas he introduces, it's always stuff that undermines orthodox Sunni Islam. out of nowhere he starts pushing for people to have doubt about Sahih Bukhari. out of nowhere he starts pushing for people to not believe in Imam Mahdi. out of nowhere he starts pushing for people to doubt the hadith in general. it's almost exactly like having an atheist poster except the atheist poster will hopefully at least be honest about what they really believe. I'd very curious as to what exactly @Aurelian believes in terms of religion and I don't think he's exactly forthcoming about what his religious views are. he doesn't believe in Sahih al-Bukhari? he thinks it's ok to talk about Ali? [Aurelian was openly disrespecting Ali and defending this] it is very reasonable to wonder what religion this person really is."

@Aurelian now after all the other efforts you've done to undermine orthodox sunni Islam, now you come and add this on top of everything else. you just add more and more deviance on top of deviance in service to satan.


Forza Somalia!
@Aurelian what's crazy is I've seen you mock Sheikh Fawzan but then you talk about the leaders of this deviant Ibadi group with such high esteem.... I have some serious doubt as to whether you are a Sunni Muslim... it's like you're cool with basically anything except ordinary Sunni Islam.
what deviant? These guys never made any act of violence against Muslims for the past 100 years, unlike Shia and Sunnis, I am not talking about two or three people here, from their top leaders to the masses, they don't have any disdain to the general Ummah, look how they support Palestine, who they advocate for Unity.

You either a brain dead, or a bot who act as Muslim. I wont be surprised if you have another anti-Muslim or troll accounts.

Omar del Sur

what deviant? These guys never made any act of violence against Muslims for the past 100 years, unlike Shia and Sunnis, I am not talking about two or three people here, from their top leaders to the masses, they don't have any disdain to the general Ummah, look how they support Palestine, who they advocate for Unity.

You either a brain dead, or a bot who act as Muslim. I wont be surprised if you have another anti-Muslim or troll accounts.

why do you think it's okay to disrespect Ali? it isn't just one deviant thing you bring. you bring another and another and another.


Forza Somalia!
oh so I'm the anti-Muslim and you're the Islam defender. is that why you want Muslims to doubt the hadith?

why don't you answer my questions? and why do you disrespect Ali?

But he did kill two Sahaba who were promised Jannah, who is that disrespectful for stating facts.

This is what you do, you run around throwing accusation to derail the topics, why this why that, like a fucking cycle, which is considered a way not to engage in conversation or debate.

What you have are 2 min long videos about Baz or Fawzan or just running around with why and why, like your question for the alleged disrespect has the answer, not only that, but the Khawaarij you are against were his men in Medina. Which makes us wonder why you act like this, are you brainlet or troll?

Omar del Sur

View attachment 332755

But he did kill two Sahaba who were promised Jannah, who is that disrespectful for stating facts.

This is what you do, you run around throwing accusation to derail the topics, why this why that, like a fucking cycle, which is considered a way not to engage in conversation or debate.

I engaged the subject. I posted Sheikh Fawzan. Now.... Sheikh Fawzan is not a perfect person and I know that but Sheikh Fawzan is a legitimate Sunni scholar.

There is no legit Sunni scholar in the history of Islam that agrees with your views.

Will I keep going back and forth about the Ibadi thing? Not with you, I don't think.

And let's not cuss. I would never cuss at you insha'Allah. I wasn't trying to make things personal. You got into the personal attack thing.

All I did was put a little disclaimer to let the people know: "hey btw this is the guy with this set of deviant views".... it makes sense doesn't it, to let people know the ideology/school of thought that the person belongs to? if we had an atheist poster on here- it would make perfect sense to say "hey btw- this person posting this irreligious viewpoint- this is actually an atheist".... the equivalent thing would be if I said Allah is above the Throne and you said "well of course Omar del Sur believes that as an Athari" and then you gave your objection. people refer to me as being Salafi all the time. I don't get outraged when someone says "hey, you as a Salafi- what do you think about these pseudosalafis telling us not to boycott the zionists"....

so why do you feel outraged when I merely point out what you believe? that you encourage Muslims not to believe in the hadith. that you attack their confidence in Sahih al-Bukhari. that you shamelessly attack Ali. that you tell them Imam Mahdi is a Shia fabrication.

I'm proud of what I believe. Why aren't you proud of what you believe?