How to fix being skinny fat

That Yusuf7n build is the quintessential Somali skinny fat build. Protruding neck, small shoulders, skinny ass arms with a belly. There’s absolutely no reason for people to be built like this in 2024.

What do you think the biggest reason is for that build being so common? Diet? Lack of exercise/lifting weights?

Personally I used to do lots of cross country as a kid, so I’ve always been stick thin. When I started going to the gym I focused on slow incremental progress. I’ve basically got a sleeper build now but because I’m super lean it looks way better.

I’m cool with it anyway, looking skinny isn’t a bad thing, that’s the way our ancestors were. This idea that ladies love big guys is a myth anyway, women don’t all think/act the same.
It's gut health. Some men need to do situps and pushups while also lifting weights and eating protein and it should go away. This build is always caused by heavy carbs such as baasto and bariis that Somalis eat damn near every day. If you all care about your health you'll stop eating heavy portions of just carbs. Eat your veggies too.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
That Yusuf7n build is the quintessential Somali skinny fat build. Protruding neck, small shoulders, skinny ass arms with a belly. There’s absolutely no reason for people to be built like this in 2024.

What do you think the biggest reason is for that build being so common? Diet? Lack of exercise/lifting weights?

Personally I used to do lots of cross country as a kid, so I’ve always been stick thin. When I started going to the gym I focused on slow incremental progress. I’ve basically got a sleeper build now but because I’m super lean it looks way better.

I’m cool with it anyway, looking skinny isn’t a bad thing, that’s the way our ancestors were. This idea that ladies love big guys is a myth anyway, women don’t all think/act the same.
Spamming pushups fixes it tbh, very simple solution wallahi
What worked for me is reducing carbs and only eating proteins/fats. When you eat Bread or Rice it spikes your blood glucose which then causes fatty deposits on ur stomach area. But if you eat alot of meat and dairy you will build muscle while losing fat at the same time. Your body will adapt to burning fat source for energy instead of carbs.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Nutritional deficiencies, lack of exercise growing up etc... after school and homework, I be straight out the door, till about 10pm, I be out for 15 hours on weekends and summers playing football, if I was free, nowadays you don't see kids going out but just gaming.
It's gut health. Some men need to do situps and pushups while also lifting weights and eating protein and it should go away. This build is always caused by heavy carbs such as baasto and bariis that Somalis eat damn near every day. If you all care about your health you'll stop eating heavy portions of just carbs. Eat your veggies too.
Correct. It’s eating big basto and baris and just SITTING on it. I’ll never forget 20 years ago in high school my teacher mentioned after every meal he has he goes for a 15-20 min walk to ‘ get things moving’. I was in awe. I had never heard of this and it made perfect sense. It’s become normalised to just sit down and kick back after eating


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
That guy eats alot of carb rich food and lies around with bare excercise or moving around that just spells a recipe for disaster


Let him cook
Laws of thermodynamics never been broken. Calories in calories out. Excess energy is stored as fat. If you eat junk food and sit on your ass all day of course you will store fat. Treat your body like machine calculate intake and calories you burn you will quickly figure out problem. Weight loss very simple most most just dont have discipline to do it unfortunately. Spirit is willing but body is weak is phrase I’ve heard some use


Forza Somalia!
What worked for me is reducing carbs and only eating proteins/fats. When you eat Bread or Rice it spikes your blood glucose which then causes fatty deposits on ur stomach area. But if you eat alot of meat and dairy you will build muscle while losing fat at the same time. Your body will adapt to burning fat source for energy instead of carbs.
Japanese are one of the most consumers of rice, still no belly or skinny fats, it is about exercising.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Japanese are one of the most consumers of rice, still no belly or skinny fats, it is about exercising.
Japanese eat a very healyhy and diverse diet that cancels out their excessive rice function and it also has something to do with genetics since when somalis eat lots of carbs we get bloated easily due to our body being adapted to nomadic lifestylr and thus storing as much energy as possible.
Laws of thermodynamics never been broken. Calories in calories out. Excess energy is stored as fat. If you eat junk food and sit on your ass all day of course you will store fat. Treat your body like machine calculate intake and calories you burn you will quickly figure out problem. Weight loss very simple most most just dont have discipline to do it unfortunately. Spirit is willing but body is weak is phrase I’ve heard some use
I don’t think it’s that simple. I had a white fat flatmate at uni who was broke so only ate one meal a day, pot noodles and some meat varying between beef/tuna/sardines and he was fat the entire year until he moved back home. He didn’t do any activity bar nights out once a month, going to lessons and just stuck to his room. Yet his weight was the same. His fat refused to go. Luckily he has a bulky build so it suited him. But I genuinely believe for some people, diet isn’t enough, once your body is ‘comfortable’ in a weight range. I promise you his daily caloric intake of food never went past 1500-200.
Some Somalis are skinny whilst at the same time being extremely slow, lacking in agility and having no explosive athletic prowess (ie. to run medium fast for a bus or be robust when defending in sports like football or basketball). Then you have other skinny Somalis who are like Mo Farah (lightning quick over 30 yards, though not as fast as Jamaicans, can become decent basketballees, cage footballers or long distance runners).

When the former stay at home all day they become skinny fat. The latter can become jacked if they work out or can have average lean and skinny slim build (68-74kg). This group isn’t prone skinny to skinny fat physique as they play sports often and have high metabolism.

I’ve noticed Somalis guys tend to eat a lot of pizza and junk food for some reason.
Some Somalis are skinny whilst at the same time being extremely slow, lacking in agility and having no explosive athletic prowess (ie. to run medium fast for a bus or be robust when defending in sports like football or basketball). Then you have other skinny Somalis who are like Mo Farah (lightning quick over 30 yards, though not as fast as Jamaicans, can become decent basketballees, cage footballers or long distance runners).

When the former stay at home all day they become skinny fat. The latter can become jacked if they work out or can have average lean and skinny slim build (68-74kg). This group isn’t prone skinny to skinny fat physique as they play sports often and have high metabolism.

I’ve noticed Somalis guys tend to eat a lot of pizza and junk food for some reason.
the love for pizza comes from the overconsumption of cheesy lasgna growing up-again a nasty convention brought over by the italians