How to grow your hair long

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it's actually really simple, just comb your hair once in the morning and once before sleeping and braid it at night to protect it. (my hair went through the same thing because I was being lazy with it)

I heard women in china use fermented rice water to grow their hair.
Just make sure it's healthy, sometimes hair breakage is what causes it to stay at a certain length.

Also sleep with a satin pillow or silk scarf at night. I found sleeping on a regular pillow would damage my hair cuz I toss and turn in the night, plus your hair wont be frizzy in the morning which is cool

it's actually really simple, just comb your hair once in the morning and once before sleeping and braid it at night to protect it. (my hair went through the same thing because I was being lazy with it

OP has curly hair tho. Brushing it dry will just cause breakage and washing it nd combing it every day will dry it out which will, again, lead to breakage
Just make sure it's healthy, sometimes hair breakage is what causes it to stay at a certain length.

Also sleep with a satin pillow or silk scarf at night. I found sleeping on a regular pillow would damage my hair cuz I toss and turn in the night, plus your hair wont be frizzy in the morning which is cool

OP has curly hair tho. Brushing it dry will just cause breakage and washing it nd combing it every day will dry it out which will, again, lead to breakage

I have curly hair too. I don't suggest she should wash it every day I wash it 2x a week.

OP I suggest doing two french braids. you can keep it for a couple of days, and it's good for your hair's condition.
I had similar problem. I had to cut my hair really short to get rid of the damaged ends. Then followed the curly girl method. It did wonders. Don't ever wash your hair with hot water. Eat protein packed food. Drink plenty of water. Take biotin supplements. Don't stress. I hope these tips help


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Eat healthy, wash once every 3/4 days, deep condition once a week, moistrise and seal whenever dry.
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