How to save Somalia

Step 1: We need atleast 100k+ troops with NATO trained and they all must reject tribal affiliation.

Step 2: Launch a coup, arrest all of the corrupt politicians and sentence them all to 100 years+ for their crimes.

Step 3: Shut down Halane camp and arrest the European and Arab griefers.

Step 4: End tribal federalism and bring back a centralized government based on merit as long as they are ethnic Somali. there will be counties so different clans can work to develop their own lands.

Step 5: We destroy both Ethiopia and Kenya and achieve our destiny. And develop our country to be a superpower in the region.

Step 6: Anyone who disagrees with this must be put down by military force.
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Dont listen to the Qabilist who claims Ogaden above, you have a good idea, step 1 and step 2 have to happen at the same time. A president puts full focus on the military then annouces yk what. Nato trained is not a good idea whatsoever. Step 4 to Step 5 must have a huge time gap. We need to catch up first and develop our own industries and increase the quality of living. Also for step 5, we cannot make the same mistake of going in without planning/too loud.
Kenya will already be somali in around 20-30 years, and with ethiopia you would only need to wait for the right time and influence. Our influence could be increased as we develop and become richer.

For step 6, your gonna need to achieve the same goal but without having to do it with military force. You dont go after the people, you have to spread your ideals and squash any chance of rebellion. You must allow freedom like let-offs like demonstations in protests. Do you know why Chinese people protest? It is a release of their anger. Now our best option is to avoid a situation like this entirely, you want everyone to be satisfied somehow.

Shutting down halane is a good option but come on why would we arrest them that would lead to scrutiny from the powerful nations. We actually need more allies rather then enemies right off the bat yk. We should arrest corrupt politicians but some should be pardoned, arresting them would make their specific people angry. For example, if president deni were to be arrested youd have like 25% of somalia against you.

I could keep going for a long time but I dont have time, Basically you have a somewhat decent idea, just a little too ambitious. We need to start off small and develop.
this was been posted since 2015 the one who posts it goes back to his gaming and forgets his post, then afterwards he insults his neighboring tuulo clan. Then reads something that makes him 'patriotic' and he posts this crap and the cycle repeats.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Step 1: We need atleast 100k+ troops with NATO trained and they all must reject tribal affiliation.

Step 2: Launch a coup, arrest all of the corrupt politicians and sentence them all to 100 years+ for their crimes.

Step 3: Shut down Halane camp and arrest the European and Arab griefers.

Step 4: End tribal federalism and bring back a centralized government based on merit as long as they are ethnic Somali. there will be counties so different clans can work to develop their own lands.

Step 5: We destroy both Ethiopia and Kenya and achieve our destiny. And develop our country to be a superpower in the region.

Step 6: Anyone who disagrees with this must be put down by military force.
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Lol if Halane camp got shut down
Somalia would face a hunger like never seen before on this earth

are you forgetting our donors sit in Halane kkkk
Accept and find solace in the fact that Europeans are our overlords due to circumstances we brought upon ourselves cough cough …… 1991
No need to invade ethiopia, thats the quickest way to ruin your own country. Somalis are the primary source of instabillity which you need to curb before you go on adventures. I'd say if you can ever pacify somalia it needs decades off de-tribalisation, education and development. Invading your neighbours is what you do when you have internal unity and the country has industrialized and is self sufficient.
this was been posted since 2015 the one who posts it goes back to his gaming and forgets his post, then afterwards he insults his neighboring tuulo clan. Then reads something that makes him 'patriotic' and he posts this crap and the cycle repeats.
Wllhi your not lying 💀
I think every Somali is like this we feel a sense of patriotism then insult a clan a few hours later

