Mr sheegad. State your true qabil. We all know you are from beesha al JeeganiyahWould it be fair to say what hawiye did to daarood was a punishment sent from above for the things daarood did behind the kacaan Gov![]()
Mr sheegad. State your true qabil. We all know you are from beesha al JeeganiyahWould it be fair to say what hawiye did to daarood was a punishment sent from above for the things daarood did behind the kacaan Gov![]()
Dont waste you energy.Mr sheegad. State your true qabil. We all know you are from beesha al Jeeganiyah
Mr sheegad. State your true qabil. We all know you are from beesha al Jeeganiyah
So we are supposed to pretend it didn't happen? How convenient. Furthermore, nobody is scared of H clan and we are not "calaacaling" or "emotional".
They only managed their evil actions because they used trained militia men to attack unarmed civilians. On an even playing field, they were crushed or expelled ala Galkacyo/Kismayo etc, etc.
None of your insults will stop us from documenting and talking about the civil war atrocities.
None of the clans that were attacked should be silent, it was not just D clan, it was the "minorities" also.
Even the Barawa people couldn't make their halwad and shushumow in peace.
If H Clan is ashamed, good, but we will not help you cover it up. that goes for you too @Loyan
Dont waste you energy.
100% nin issaq.
Eelay aan xabad haysan ba musbaaro maskaxda kaaga qaraaci jirtay, and your here talking about jalalaqsiTell bigfoot to research Jalalaqsi massacre, hell be crying for days
True loool
Eelay aan xabad haysan ba musbaaro maskaxda kaaga qaraaci jirtay, and your here talking about jalalaqsi![]()
You must be talking about yourself.You get proven wrong every thread you're in miyaadan xishoonayn![]()
So how did this thread turn into OG vs MX fight?![]()
Kuwii wabiga lagu guray shacab masakiin aan xabad haysan bay ahayeen, lakiin eeleyda iyaga oo falaadh kali ah hub ka haysta bay intay ciidankiina oo dhuumasho ku jira soo qabteen, ayey musbaaro madaxa idinkaga dhufan jireen.Eelay wee ka shalayeen ina USC dabaqoodi uu noqdaan sida oo uu galnay, laakin cagdheerta wali webiga shabeelaha dadkooda ma ka soo sareen?![]()
So how did this thread turn into OG vs MX fight?![]()
I see lot of people using my accent method Γ¬,ΓΌ@Juuqbuuqluuq
You xaasid.. Let them fight kulaha.
I can't watch my ilmo adeer finishing each other on a hΓΌtΓΌ karbaash thread![]()
I hate to sound Qabilist in this blessed month, but its true. If Hawiye as a clan did not exist, the whole 68 IQ thing would not exist either. Thats a fact