Farmaajo was corrupt in the sense that he wanted to illegally hold onto power and become a dictator and he did hold onto power illegally for 1.5 years or so. He also used Ethiopian troops to usurp FMS presidencies and create his ‘gareens’. There is more but perhaps you aren’t aware of the full depth of his corruption. There is a difference between being corrupt and being a thief. Farmaajo may not have been a thief but he was definitely corrupt and that is why he is no longer in power.Thr comparison between hsm and farmajo is not even close. Did he have flaws sure. But there's a reason even though farmajo has a lot of people who hate him none of them accused him of ever being corrupt. That should tell you something.
Probably what @Somali Saayid and @Bahal barsad looks like. I always likened their obsession with Afweyne to grave worship and here we are.
Ironic this exactly describes another period in Somalia history.It was one of the worst periods in Somali history. A major coalition between laangaab Darods and their Hawiye equals