How was your High School Experience

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We star in movies NASA pay to watch
School was all about getting your money up, being a spitter, winning fights, having a tag (nickname), getting away with bunking and trying to get girls, you would only get away with being smart if you were good at football too because that's pretty much all there was. I once headed an operation to shoplift the nearest cornershop after home time. I started an argument to distract the owner and 8 boys ran in to steal whatever they could. They called the police who came to the school the next morning and gave a long speech about stealing in an assembly and encouraged people to speak up if they have information. One Pakistani motherfucker called Sanjay who chickened out the mission was seen with the same PC's at lunch time so we egged his Mum and his 8 year old sister in the ends. No fucks given that day.
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I remember Somali goons used to bully the poor white kids lol. Other than that it was pretty boring 4 years Middle school was a far better experience for me. Nothing memorable about high school except for the peer pressure hormones puberty acne awkwardness and random crushes on every girl in the school.

There was a asian guy in my class, he was the stereotypicalAsian, smart with glass. Poor guy, he was bully by the other kids.but i was cool with him, properly one of the only guys who use to talk to him.
Anyways long story short, few years ago i got a facebook msg, suprise suprise, it was him. The guy had been doing MMA since he finished high school, and now was ripped as hell. looking through his photos, mofo was even winning tournaments.

Anyways he thanked me. about me been cool with him not bullying him, but asked me if he knew where some other guys from class live,:eek:
I told him i haven't seen anyone from high school, since.:yloezpe:

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
Rich with many experiences. Many athletic and scholarly accomplishments. Many party's. Many blunts. Many women. Many fights. Many mistakes..:fredo: only guy in my da1 crew to graduate and go to college also cleanest record.
Rich with many experiences. Many athletic and scholarly accomplishments. Many party's. Many blunts. Many women. Many fights. Many mistakes..:fredo: only guy in my da1 crew to graduate and go to college also cleanest record.

Are you sure about the last claim you've stated? I've never seen a Somali guy (I'm not included) without some sort of record.

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
Are you sure about the last claim you've stated? I've never seen a Somali guy (I'm not included) without some sort of record.
I know plenty halal warya .haha. We move in silence biggest thing on my record is speeding. I've been arrested 2 times no charges came first was lack of evidence cuz it was a brawl everyone was solid 2nd was more serious felony class b but I got it dismissed this one was purely the work of Allah and my adopted familys prominence in my small town of America.
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