How well can you speak somali?

How well is your somali?

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Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe

Dabadaada isgali

Bajuunta Iska boofi niyo yaanu ku baran :idontlike:

Waa neef oo dadaab maanta laga Keeney

@Nabeel786 dabadaada isgali dameer bila damiir oo hadh iyo habeen ciiyaya:donkey:. caydhki oo Internet café aad ku dhameysay meel ku kaydso. Naf malihiid ingiriisigaagu iyo af somaaligaaguba wa eber. Galbeedka waadku cusub tahay Waxtar sii degdeg ah yaan dadaab lagu celinin:banderas:


Southie pride
Dabadaada isgali

Waa neef oo dadaab maanta laga Keeney

@Nabeel786 dabadaada isgali dameer bila damiir oo hadh iyo habeen ciiyaya:donkey:. caydhki oo Internet café aad ku dhameysay meel ku kaydso. Naf malihiid ingiriisigaagu iyo af somaaligaaguba wa eber. Galbeedka waadku cusub tahay Waxtar sii degdeg ah yaan dadaab lagu celinin:banderas:
^^Ingiriis midka ku hadashaan waa midka wadooyinka aad kasoo barateen balse anigu school baan kudhigtey, my accent is different I know cuz it's south Africa english, sidaa eey tahay reerahiina idil baan suuqa intaa geeyo iibsan karaa. adiga iyo kuwa xun-xunka oo futada dhuuban oo meelaha ka qeylinaayo dabada musbaar kulul kagelin, hadii kale isgaabi habaryahay.
Waa kucusbahay west. lol. I grow up in South Africa which is more better than where you live right now, I speak 3 langauges, beside that I'm in USA last 5 years. Alhamdulilah. Balse adiga waxaa lagaa keeney Burco duleedkeeda meesha ariga ku raaci jiretey. ina gumeed waaxid,
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Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
^^Ingiriis midka ku hadasahan waa midka wadooyinka aad kasoo barateen balse anigu school baan kudhigtey, my accent is different I know cuz it's south Africa english, sidaa eey tahay reerahiina idil baan suuqa intaa geeyo iibsan karaa. adiga kuwa zxun xunka oo futada dhuuban dabada musbaar kulul kagelin, hadii kale isgaabi habaryahay.
Waa kucubtahay. I grow up in South Africa which is more better than where you live right now, I speak 3 langauges, beside that I'm in USA last 5 years. Alhamdulilah. Balse adigau waxaa lagaa keeney Burco duleedkeeda meesha ariga ku raaci jiretey. ina gumeed waaxid,

By giving your personal info about where you learned english and grew up makes me realize that you take jokes on here a bit to personal :cosbyhmm:, so I'll stop...ha iga daba soconin, cay iyo afxumo didembe kaa jawaabi maayo


Southie pride
By giving your personal info about where you learned english and grew up makes me realize that you take jokes on here a bit to personal :cosbyhmm:, so I'll stop...ha iga daba soconin, cay iyo afxumo didembe kaa jawaabi maayo
^^Waa lagu wasaa, IIDOOR waxaa caadi beey agtooda katahay. Subxaanaka

Hana-baran waryee, habryahay. bwahaha,..


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
By giving your personal info about where you learned english and grew up makes me realize that you take jokes on here a bit to personal :cosbyhmm:, so I'll stop...ha iga daba soconin, cay iyo afxumo didembe kaa jawaabi maayo
Ignore him. He has a mouth diarrehea and likes to spew bullshit.

Now watch him call me , and other names. He's so transparent. El oh El.


Welcome to the site.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
my grammar and reading and writing are on point. it's pretty simple, u just gotta remember the rules and everything is phonetic which helps. speaking is different tho

i can speak decently especially in pleasantries, but i noticed the more i speak the more i sound like a retard :lol: . this weekend i was trying to explain a movie to my mom and it hit me that i sound like Foghorn Leghorn trying to speak somali :ohlord:


Southie pride
Please expose me and show us the PMs I've allegedly sent to you.


I would rather chew rocks than send a PM to you.
^^Were you drunk when you sent?

I'm saying again, I don't have spare time for fake ass xaliimo. I mean.


my grammar and reading and writing are on point. it's pretty simple, u just gotta remember the rules and everything is phonetic which helps. speaking is different tho

i can speak decently especially in pleasantries, but i noticed the more i speak the more i sound like a retard :lol: . this weekend i was trying to explain a movie to my mom and it hit me that i sound like Foghorn Leghorn trying to speak somali :ohlord:
:dead::russ::mjlaugh: Man be glad you ain't back home.

If I was born outside Somalia and didn't know much Somali. I'd focus more on the speaking part the most lol. I wouldn't want people dying of laughter whenever I open my mouth.:lol:
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