how would you cope with it if

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I use to imagine these type of scenarios lol but my choices would be something like: deaf, blind or mute. I'd pick muteness any day tbh conversations are over rated :zhqjlmx: I'd never give up my ability to see, the world is beautiful and listening to music gives me joy.

If I had to pick one of OPs option I'd go with losing my legs cuz then I'd get one of these


If I was paralyzed I'd straight up end it

I thought you should know that the guy is a girlfriend killer and quite literally got away with murder. As a modern feminist shouldn't this make you feel some type of way?

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
That's probable. On the other end, the faith helps some ppl endure through hardship. But, me, I don't know, it's like you've been robbed already. I know exactly what you mean. I would make the worst cripple.
Family goes without saying. Were born with families, but we make our own too.

Is no one you know you've been through thick and thin with? Life is challenging and friends come and go, but some of them are worth keeping close.

Do you dwell I Disney land ? Naa no friend is gonna change your diapers or even be around you as that diaper is being changed.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Losing your legs is definitely the best scenario, because with modern technology those are the most easily replaced. The no replacing your arms or eyes, but we had guy run in the olympics with no legs. :icon lol:

Losing your legs sucks a lot, but losing there other ones sucks waaay more. Being paralyzed from the waist down and stuck in a wheel chair is even worse than that. Being paralyzed from the neck down is just straight inkaar. At that point, you're basically a vegetable and a total burden. I'd probably as the doctor to just put me out of my misery if it came to that.

Waar walahi you taught me something that I missed understanding. Ileen there are 2 types of paralysis! The waist down and the neck down :damedamn:
I thought you should know that the guy is a girlfriend killer and quite literally got away with murder. As a modern feminist shouldn't this make you feel some type of way?

Shit is that oscar? I didnt even recognize him. It still makes me angry when I think about how he literally got away with murder. Lol i only posted the pics to showcase the leg attachments :manny:

Modern feminist aa, have we meet. Have we been in any arguments lately? :reallymaury:
Shit is that oscar? I didnt even recognize him. It still makes me angry when I think about how he literally got away with murder. Lol i only posted the pics to showcase the leg attachments :manny:

Modern feminist aa, have we meet. Have we been in any arguments lately? :reallymaury:

no no. long time lurker.

have had time analyse. no strawmans or anything you know. new person and shit.
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