HSM gov vs Farmaajo Gov

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War this gov reminds of the kacaan when it comes to nepotism. Fahad yasin appoints his brother in law for taliyaha madaxtoyada. Kheire and Farmaajo's wife are very closely related like third cousins. Yusuf garad's wife is a relative of Kheire as well. Thabit the Mayor of xamar, his mother. And Farmaajo's wife are freaking real first cousins looool. Walahi just unbelievable.


One Sneaky mofo farmajo is....but the it wont go on any longer


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
During farmaajo's 4 month presidency :
450 ppl dead in total. Where 29 are clanelders who where part of the odayal who elected our current mps

184 dead in Xamar
SW: 63
JL: 78
Hirshabelle: 37 ppl
Puntland: 25
GM: 20

In HSM's 4 years as president. There was 52 qaraxs. While Farmaajo's 4 month as president there where 30 qaraxs.

This just proves who really is behind al shabaab.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Farmaajo govt is suffering due too many external agents, I have no doubt in my mind that Ethiopia is panicking and is directing Shabab agents to step it up
53 kulahaa- where did you plugged that figure from -

Ninkaan suffers from- abgaal high on nuuso canbuulo brain syndrome - nuuso miskaxda ka buuxsantey.

Hassan was filthy dameer corrupt to the core -,

Suck it up -and ditch the Abgaal supremacy ideaology.


سلطنة مجرتين
this shows that HSM was part of alshabab
Unlike Sheik Shariif before him he didn't order large scale offensives against shabab but instead focused on weakining ASWJ, Jubbaland and PL who fought the terrorists, heck even weapons from the presidential compound ended up in shababs hands!

But still these fake nationalists will insist Dahabshiil is behind the terrorists:siilaanyolaugh:
I believe @Canuck posted a tweet of a mp railing agaisnt the NGO system and how they stole 800 million from the somali people. You can only do so much with so little too that's why they have so much sway over the political landscape.

Ignore this op, his uncle is Ali americo the dirty corrupted ambassador of Somalia in Kenya, he is salty that his uncle lost the election. Ali Americo stole the aid money that China gave it to him (3 million) cheque.
Ignore this op, his uncle is Ali americo the dirty corrupted ambassador of Somalia in Kenya, he is salty that his uncle lost the election. Ali Americo stole the aid money that China gave it to him (3 million) cheque.
My uncle may Allah be pleased with him, is very respected by all Somalis. The man built a school in outside of Mogadishu. Where 300 children are enrolled for free.He built the school, pays the teachers and all other costs. He did alot for the people in Kenya when he was the ambassador.
My uncle may Allah be pleased with him, is very respected by all Somalis. The man built a school in outside of Mogadishu. Where 300 children are enrolled for free.He built the school, pays the teachers and all other costs. He did alot for the people in Kenya when he was the ambassador.

with haram money that he stole from starving kids.
Stopping the bombs is the job of the police and army, not Farmaajo. His job is to pay them and he does that. Blame the cops and soldiers for sleeping on the job.
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