I was in marfish June 17 2024 nairobi EastLeigh 11 street where marehan and habirgidir chew khat own by a lady who is closes relative of xarmaajo one habargidir guy sacad reer hilowle said we love marehan but the problem with marehan is they are pro darood ku xaar and darood xaar don’t like themme being hardcore majerteen from joore i told him their is no such thing call darood bogeyman
runta indaha ka saareey Somalia waxa isku hesto wa issaq who want disneyland based on colonial borders , hiraab who say xamar unuka leh and majerteen who want federalism wax la wada leyahay iyo wax la kala leyahay… bidhe ditoore @DR OSMAN wa bidhe qiyaali ku nool Meesha darood iyo hawiye or crip and blood la isku ma haayo ee waxa la isku haayo wa nidamka dalalka lagu hogamin laha
Politics aside each clan has their political interest and most marehans I know are big centralists which I don't understand as they spent 21 years in power developing everyone but themselves and farmajo was following in that Marehan tradition, dadka ugu khasaaraha badan in somalinimo is without a doubt is Marehan and secondly PL, so till this day I don't understand why their still no pro Marehan and dropping this hamar hope of the old days, it actually quite shocks me.