HSM Nearly gets Assisnated and there is no condemnations from the world


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Shows how little anyone cares about hsm
not one condemnation from any major power or country not even neighbors 😂

he is worthless and irrelevant
Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has certainly been a bad president, but this site is filled with liars, spreaders of "fake news", and individuals that gloat at the most unnecessary things. The lack of Internet Literacy on this site is shocking since so many users believe anything they read/see. A quick Google search brings up numerous countries and international organizations:



The European Union:

The OIC:

The United Nations:

The United States:

Even Ukraine took time to respond despite what they are going through:

There are more that I have not listed as well.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Not to be rude but I think most of the world won’t care if another African leader gets assassinated.
San Francisco Animation GIF by Maximillian Piras

Doubt anyone cares from a professional beggar.

