HSM - The Next 5 Years Will Be A Disaster


Abgaaloow yall betrayed Majeerteen and refused Saciid Deni PM position and pick MM truly had the last laugh:damn: :damn:
Tolka especially Shariff/30jir/
Geeneral Koronto security bled him dry. Back to Garowe it is. My sub look after the fulay in xamar obviously he is scared of farmaajo lol

We need someone we can lock in a room mate. No more power for darood in Muqdisho. You will get Taliye Bolis which will be irrelevant like before as Taliyaha Gobolka Banaadir will be Hiraab lol.
Puntites. Be prepared for another 5 years of nothingness but deadlock with HSM. Look who he appointed to National security. He is just jealous of Puntland success and will name all 'enemies' of Puntland into posts. But don't worry, as we know in the past, Puntland will be here forever, where-as he will be kicked out in 5 years. Puntland is an 'institution' as Farmajo learned, HSM will learn the same. PL ain't going nowhere, only it's haters disappear.
Why are you acting like Puntland did not support HSM in his re-election bid?
HSM is going to do good work, have faith.

Secondly Irir is not sharing. If there is to be a deal the following will happen.

Like originally proposed by Caydiid, when South Somalia powers through with it’s development and builds a lasting political atmosphere, the Presidency will be rotated between Hargeysa and Mogadishu. And they can be designated twin capitals.

SLers rightly see the Daroods incapable of governing Somalia. We once again like under AY and MSB made that mistake by granting Farmaajo a chance. No more however.
If darood is so bad at governing then how is puntland doing so well? I challenge hags to build one piece of infrastructure on their own and with their own money. Also govern your land without the need for foreign peace keepers. If you can do that then maybe you'll be on our level of governing. Until then look in the mirror and realize u ugly and the beauty from puntland is better at governing.


If darood is so bad at governing then how is puntland doing so well? I challenge hags to build one piece of infrastructure on their own and with their own money. Also govern your land without the need for foreign peace keepers. If you can do that then maybe you'll be on our level of governing. Until then look in the mirror and realize u ugly and the beauty from puntland is better at governing.
Banadir gets less aid than Puntland and look how much more prosperous it is.


True Puntlander
A good leader 'traits' are well known. He can't be 'too extreme or too lenient' but somewhere in between and balances around his ideas to ensure it doesn't lead to conflict. Nor do u want a 'push over' leader who stands for nothing and changes kastumo each second.

I don't see any of the good leadership traits in HSM. I am now putting my 'cards' forward, I am officially the first opposition even before this man has begun becuz I am good predicator of the future.
HSM aka qoslaya has bad history with Daroods, Who forget historical peace sign in Addis Ababa with blackie over years of fight for JL, and lose war in Mudug that was for Galnus to have full authority in whole mudug, that he sent HAG moryaan to turkey for treatment.

History will not be mercy on HSM. Too bad xarmaajo lost our votes because he was the worse than qoslaya when it comes to destabilize us. To me both are same.

as @Ozark time will tell if he changed or not.


Banadir takes the most of international aid as the capital and hijack our aid in name of Somalia.

Oh well, we can’t really do anything about it so let’s just hope things work out good and HSM proves to be the opposite of what he was before.
HSM isn't like 10 years ago and madobe is weak currently and deni start to flex his muscles or should I say his fat😂😂😂.

What united these three was farmajo and now he is gone so we will have a certainly an amazing movie.

If I was HSM I would have put most my influence on JL then turn to PL because sonner or later AM and Deni will unite against him.

Capo Dhoore

Who is building the port of garacad and highway from garacad to goldogob? Who is building building the highway to badhan?
Who doesn't need peacekeepers?
Hint: all the answers are the same
Jubaland which is basically just kismayo makes more revenue than all of his state galnus

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

AUG 25, 2023
Once Madoobe is gone next year, JL will be neutralised and HSM can then exploit the differences between PL and JL.

PL isn’t going anywhere. Y’all will just be ignored. Like they say put up or shut up.

If y’all act up HSM will teach y’all a lesson again like he did in Galkayo in 15/16. SL will also continue to take over SSC and you’ll lose the seats you claim.

Banadir is happening, whether you like it or not.
:pachah1:Easy there buddy, for a clan that could only come up with 15 votes, you sure he’ll talk big. Kkkk Hawiye version of CBB already forming.


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