HSM the psychopath


@Step a side You really believe that anyone is ordering you to attack anywhere when you could never hold a tuulo and always run to the next qabiil when things get heated?😂 #isxambaar

Maxaas base is being vacated by atmis and is being transferred to sna according to your own sources so what base is gone 💀
Delusion at its finest. They can't gather up any macawiisleey willing to die for that barren land. Now he is blaming HSM for removing ethiopians from a district that isn't his lol. 2 years and these murusade have made no progress whatsoever eboow see waye ceeb ma karto miyaa :mjlol:

@Jungle cousins are begging Darood to save him its getting so bad

Hadalka maala yacniga ah nagala ag tag boonoow
This was few days ago before this base removal.
View attachment 337731

HSM with Murusade. Hsm really really does not like murusade 😂 . Invited all security heads but not the NISA benadir head shaaweeye 😂 Imagine holding a meeting and not inviting the literal head of NISA benadir. Cuqdad level of the chart lol

Iidow, Dhuxulow, Jacfar, faiza, dayax all didn’t attend the hsm shir.
Everything wrong with the somali government in 1 picture

why do you hawiye people hate each other
Have some shame. Maxaas is security is looked after by its native people. I have no doubt Xawaadle welcome the removal of atmis soldiers.

If anything 200 homeless murusade loitering in their district has been a burden on them. They should go back to Xamar as they've already been removed from both Abgaal & HG fronts last year. They can't be trusted

View attachment 337718
Wabxo is a murusade degaan just 25km from Maxaas on the highway but they can't liberate that either. They went there and held it for 1 day lol shameless laangaabs


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Delusion at its finest. They can't gather up any macawiisleey willing to die for that barren land. Now he is blaming HSM for removing ethiopians from a district that isn't his lol. 2 years and these murusade have made no progress whatsoever eboow see waye ceeb ma karto miyaa :mjlol:

Hadalka maala yacniga ah nagala ag tag boonoow
kkkkk Xamar wan ku dhex mushaahaya sxb unukuh leh wan jclhy ciil u dhimo :russ:
The Maxaas base handover was agreed upon when the ATMIS drawdown timetable was set to be fair.
The troops drawdown agreement has been in place yes but I’m angry Hassan sheikh called for a murusade offensive knowing the base will be handed over just then. Besides it hasn’t been handed over to the sna yet it’s just empty, and it will be for a long time
The troops drawdown agreement has been in place yes but I’m angry Hassan sheikh called for a murusade offensive knowing the base will be handed over just then. Besides it hasn’t been handed over to the sna yet it’s just empty, and it will be for a long time

Why do you need amisom? In your opening post you said murusade militias defeated farmaajo.
Why can't the same murusade militias defeat a few al shabaab and couple of villages?

Internet Nomad

Make a strong speech on a Friday after a big event
Do nothing
Inactivity cost human lives
Do a photoshoot with squinty eyes
Rinse and repeat

I don’t appreciate your slander against my glorious leader.
Why do you need amisom? In your opening post you said murusade militias defeated farmaajo.
Why can't the same murusade militias defeat a few al shabaab and couple of villages?
Maxaas was an important logistical base for the ciidan to launch attacks from into Wabxo and ceelbuur. Plus Ethiopian long range artillery was very useful to clear shabaab from the paths into the towns. Two key large murusade areas captured with almost no casualties on our side is a tactician’s wet dream. Taking away the atmis/endf FOB (forward operating base) means ambushes and impromptu fighting along the road before you reach a major point
Maxaas was an important logistical base for the ciidan to launch attacks from into Wabxo and ceelbuur. Plus Ethiopian long range artillery was very useful to clear shabaab from the paths into the towns. Two key large murusade areas captured with almost no casualties on our side is a tactician’s wet dream. Taking away the atmis/endf FOB (forward operating base) means ambushes and impromptu fighting along the road before you reach a major point

So what happens, if ethiopia helped you and you captured your villages. Does ethiopia have to stay forever?

If you cant defeat al shabaab on your own. Then you can't hold onto to villages om your own. I.e the moment ethiopia leaves al shabaab would retake in hours.
So what happens, if ethiopia helped you and you captured your villages. Does ethiopia have to stay forever?

If you cant defeat al shabaab on your own. Then you can't hold onto to villages om your own. I.e the moment ethiopia leaves al shabaab would retake in hours.
Use your brain a bit. AS is a multiclan org with international fighters and patrons, only the SNA with all its necessary equipment can combat them alongside clan militia and US intelligence. The area is not well lit and suspectible to ambushes. Also the Ethiopians have been to El Bur a decade ago and suffered huge setbacks so they aren't returning

