HSM warns Madoobe and says we are going to one man one vote

Somalis and arabs are weak bastard 😂 always blaming others for thier own failures , look at what Israel Diong to Arabs killing them in thiers thousands and not a single thing they can do because Israel is technologically ahead of them thousand years well they are still in the stone stage dividing them self into Sectarian shia and Sunni…. The terriost wahabi/salafist gulf country are the enemy of muslim uma than any other people in this world 🌎 they are backward only thing they bring to this world is thier twisted misinterpretation of the religion, they brought terriost alqaida and daesh … instead of competing the world in technology and science 🧪 Somalis are even worser all they talk about is darood , hawiye and issaq this😂 if you are weak u will be conquer that is how the world work
This is why I preach unity and peace between the Somali tribes, Allah has bestowed me with the intelligence to see the valuable benefits of unity, with unity, equality and peace we can build a strong prosperous nation where no Somali citizen would ever go hungry to bed, Somali soil is rich on resources and the potential is endless..


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
This is why I preach unity and peace between the Somali tribes, Allah has bestowed me with the intelligence to see the valuable benefits of unity, with unity, equality and peace we can build a strong prosperous nation where no Somali citizen would ever go hungry to bed, Somali soil is rich on resources and the potential is endless..
Only care about united puntland weyne


♚Sargon of Adal♚

No tent elections!
2033 still waiting on 1m1v



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