Huge Win For Puntland in China -Gaalkacyo/Tongxiang twined, China to invest heavily in PL, new route

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You expected something here didn't you?!?!?
First and foremost, congratulations reer Puntland. In a time where Somali development has reached a stalemate and not enough of the diaspora are returning to help the Motherland, it is much welcomed. What I would say is, have your, Puntland, engineering and construction companies learn from this. Have the surveying, which is pretty simple if you get the basics down, have the chinese hire locals and use local materials when doing the building. However, you should watch out for what the Chinese are up to, look no further than Kenya, a country that's developing at the cost of its soul- the workers are forced to learn chinese and the instructions are given in that language rather than a common language- i.e english. Lastly, make sure that you can fund as much of it as possible and be careful of their "ships", they love mixing military ships with the normal ones and always blame it on "accident" or "miss-communications. And don't loan or allow them to rent any of the space, look at Sri Lanka, they "loaned" an entire port for 100 years, and are thinking of using it for military purposes.
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