Hugh Hefner Is Dead

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Abaayo, we are ESL flunkies without proper immigration papers, we don't know what utilitarian is. Next you'll be quoting John Stuart Mill at us. Biskina.

Comrade Heff always had his lips around a beauty's nipples. Seriously, how miserable can you be with breasts in your face? Have you tried it? No, didn't think so.

You've seen a lot of 90 year olds kick the bucket? What are you - like the fucking angel of death?
Not so much breasts, but I have been kissed unawares by a beach blonde and though I did not relish the experience att, I can catch your meaning

So you belong to the "sex is happiness" crowd? Sure, I can grant you, for as long as the orgasm lasts, there probably is some happiness, but just like said orgasm, it is fleeting.

I've seen tons of rich 90-somethings kick the bucket, cuz I've worked in an old folks' home on nights to fuel my education, and it would seem many of them are partial to dying in the dead of night.
Not so much breasts, but I have been kissed unawares by a beach blonde and though I did not relish the experience att, I can catch your meaning

So you belong to the "sex is happiness" crowd? Sure, I can grant you, for as long as the orgasm lasts, there probably is some happiness, but just like said orgasm, it is fleeting.

I've seen tons of rich 90-somethings kick the bucket, cuz I've worked in an old folks' home on nights to fuel my education, and it would seem many of them are partial to dying in the dead of night.
Runta ii sheeg, is it my nursing home?
You're in your 30's or 40's at best, but I would guess that you're in poor health (self-inflicted)
I bet you knock off old farts in your nursing home with an overdose of prescription drugs. Never trust African wimmin. They will take revenge on you for making them bathe you.


Okay, not bathing, but surely you're down with showering with awoowe Bidaar? I'm a gentle flower.
Do you really old-fart it to getting laid? Your success level must be abysmal. There's a person who's sole responsibility it is to shower them during the day. I can't imagine the trauma.
Do you really old-fart it to getting laid? Your success level must be abysmal. There's a person who's sole responsibility it is to shower them during the day. I can't imagine the trauma.
Chicks dig it when I take my false dentures off and splash water on their bootylicious curves behind the shower curtain. They love to soap my wrinkly skin and play with my drooping man boobs, Heffner style. I'm a hit with the nursing home staff.

Tell me, what's the weirdest shit you've seen in those homes? I wanna know what's in store for me when I'm close to meeting my Maker.
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