Hungarian-Somali Model

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She is definitely not pretty but many models nowadays barely are. Many agencies pick their models with a favouritism towards those with a unique and conspicuous appearance; like that twitter chick with the gap tooth and the other one with the vitiligo. She (Kafia) was most likely picked because of her unique appearance (from the perspective of white people). Tall, very dark, skinny and "refined" facial features (slim nose, thin lips). If Iman was a white woman dipped in chocolate then Kafia is a white woman dipped in tar. She looks like a Dinka with a weave and a really good nose contour.
She is definitely not pretty but many models nowadays barely are. Many agencies pick their models with a favouritism towards those with a unique and conspicuous appearance; like that twitter chick with the gap tooth and the other one with the vitiligo. She (Kafia) was most likely picked because of her unique appearance (from the perspective of white people). Tall, very dark, skinny and "refined" facial features (slim nose, thin lips). If Iman was a white woman dipped in chocolate then Kafia is a white woman dipped in tar. She looks like a Dinka with a weave and a really good nose contour.
Yoooooo I laughed at this for a good minute. You did her dirty. I can't breathe wallahi.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake

Ladies and gentlemen, meet our new model, Kafia Mahdi and a new documentary about her is coming soon.

check the trailer here.

I like her, Better than poor Hamdia Ahmed i will u that!


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Is no one mentioning that Hungary is a Naziesque racist white country? How did she assimilate in such a society!? :what:

Somalis are truly the Gypsies of Africa, you will find them in every corner of the globe:snoop:
Another ugly model using a victim complex to gain a job in the modelling industry she doesn’t deserve.

This time using the fact that she is a gaal to advance her career.
Does she look like your mother?

We know Somali men have a soft spot for their mothers :)


She reminds me of a valuable great female friend of mine. I hope I don't regret these opportunities when I'm old like my mate @Molotoff :9uoofqd:

I regret the most the fact that I did not approach the love of my life in college more directly.

I regret it everyday. It is a sorrow without boundaries and a fate I don't wish even my worst enemy.
i didnt know abdis existed in hungary


From Mogadishu to Budapest: A refugee’s journey to EU citizenship.

A half Hungarian, half Somali refugee finds a new life and a new family in southern Hungary after a gruelling journey to freedom.

BUDAPEST, Hungary, July 10 (UNHCR) - Samira Németh is adjusting remarkably well in Hungary, considering the trauma and hardship the 18-year-old endured in her native Somalia before reaching Budapest.

The young woman has also discovered a whole new set of relatives since being resettled last month with UNHCR help in the land of her father, a Hungarian national who made a life for himself in Somalia until his murder by gunmen in Mogadishu in 2005.

And there is more good news on the horizon; the rest of her family - mother Herera and four siblings in Somalia and a brother in Kenya - may be allowed to join Samira and her long-lost brother Sandor in Hungary.



From Mogadishu to Budapest: A refugee’s journey to EU citizenship.

A half Hungarian, half Somali refugee finds a new life and a new family in southern Hungary after a gruelling journey to freedom.

BUDAPEST, Hungary, July 10 (UNHCR) - Samira Németh is adjusting remarkably well in Hungary, considering the trauma and hardship the 18-year-old endured in her native Somalia before reaching Budapest.

The young woman has also discovered a whole new set of relatives since being resettled last month with UNHCR help in the land of her father, a Hungarian national who made a life for himself in Somalia until his murder by gunmen in Mogadishu in 2005.

And there is more good news on the horizon; the rest of her family - mother Herera and four siblings in Somalia and a brother in Kenya - may be allowed to join Samira and her long-lost brother Sandor in Hungary.

why do somalis breed with every ajnabi they see

but at least her mother got something out of that


The media hates somalis due to number of reasons so dont think a beautiful somali will ever represent us the closest to decent is Halima aden
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