Hypocrisy: Black woman charged for racially abusing black footballer!


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
My personal opinion on this:

Black footballers have been getting racially abused for years and the white perpetrators get virtually no criminal punishment.

But the minute a black person says the same abuse to a player who is also black, suddenly they want to file criminal charges.

You’ve got to be joking.


El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
They wanted to make an example out of her but you know what…

Its sad what happened to her but hopefully black footy fans take caution. For years now in footy twitter black folks have used racist language against black players. I have never understood it btw, why be like that. They think its funny but in reality its pathetic. Fortunately nothing worse happened to her but people should learn about her story.



Jamila Abdi, 21, was having a discussion about a football match on X (formerly known as Twitter) on 27 August 2023 and used the n-word to refer to Black footballer Alexander Isak.

“I’m so p***** off let me get my hands on that f**** n***a,” Ms Abdi, who lives in London, wrote.

The Metropolitan Police called her in for questioning in December 2023 and she was charged under the Communications Act of 2003 this month.

She is going to court for calling a black footballer a nigga on twitter :drakelaugh: