I’m sorry

I’m sorry for ranting about timojileecs all the time. it’s just that the damage they did to Canada is so extensive and EVERYTIME I go outside they’re all I see. I can’t even walk down the sidewalk without almost getting hit by an Indian uber eats e-biker. so what am I supposed to do, just kms? I can’t leave until I’m done my degree 🤦🏾‍♀️ how do I stay sane. Advice please?

They’re literally everywhere. I can’t just ignore it. I’d have to go deaf and blind to ignore it. I could name some more senses, but I’m trying to hold my tongue rn (no pun intended :rejoice: )

I personally enjoy your rants they are hilarious


I’m sorry for ranting about timojileecs all the time. it’s just that the damage they did to Canada is so extensive and EVERYTIME I go outside they’re all I see. I can’t even walk down the sidewalk without almost getting hit by an Indian uber eats e-biker. so what am I supposed to do, just kms? I can’t leave until I’m done my degree 🤦🏾‍♀️ how do I stay sane. Advice please?

They’re literally everywhere. I can’t just ignore it. I’d have to go deaf and blind to ignore it. I could name some more senses, but I’m trying to hold my tongue rn (no pun intended :rejoice: )

Marriage perhaps will help.
If it makes you feel better my midwestern american university is also being taken over by them 😭😭

the second they get a little bit of power. they only hirer their own for jobs, only work with their own for group projects (until they realize you’re just as capable and cling to you like parasite), and they fucking STANK.

You should come to America though. Better jobs and salary compensation
They’re doing it here in Ireland, they’re everywhere now.
My local convenience store employed 1 dude, now there’s 2. Soon they’ll take over completely.
I’m sorry for ranting about timojileecs all the time. it’s just that the damage they did to Canada is so extensive and EVERYTIME I go outside they’re all I see. I can’t even walk down the sidewalk without almost getting hit by an Indian uber eats e-biker. so what am I supposed to do, just kms? I can’t leave until I’m done my degree 🤦🏾‍♀️ how do I stay sane. Advice please?

They’re literally everywhere. I can’t just ignore it. I’d have to go deaf and blind to ignore it. I could name some more senses, but I’m trying to hold my tongue rn (no pun intended :rejoice: )

Damn it really that bad over there? Ain’t you the one that was complaining about them being employed everywhere the other day? Something about chic fil a ?