I am a Sunni Muslim BUT.......

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John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Duh he prays with the Quran in his hand. Obvi!!

He's a Quranist!

It's not like there's been hundreds of years of Islamic exegesis, he flipped through some Hadiths and he knew they were nonsense All of em. Nonsense!
Go on then. How do you pray?
Does Ramadan mean anything to you? When does it start? When does it end? When does the fasting start? When does it end? What is the night of power that is mentioned? When is it? What do you do in it? Being a quranist, I'm sure you know that we are asked to follow the prophet. How do you do that? Why do you not go and kill non-believers if you claim to follow the quran? Answer in your own time of course, I have more questions:damedamn:




See this is what i meant i can feel a uncleruckus moment coming up but nope nope i'm going to with hold


uhm towards me or mod o_O:xgoltwn::zhqjlmx:
No not you lolz it was @ Mod when he/she wrote this >> Why do you not go and kill non-believers if you claim to follow the quran?

i swear some of these folk's what they write or their logic yaacni :mindblown:


No not you lolz it was @ Mod when he/she wrote this >> Why do you not go and kill non-believers if you claim to follow the quran?

i swear some of these folk's what they write or their logic yaacni :mindblown:
lol right?

What? He claims to follow the quran, it's a valid question, unless you think it doesn't say that in which case you're wrong. Non-quranists, however, know because of hadith and other sources why such verses were revealed.


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
I don't get it. Why did you mention you being Sunni? It is possible to despise Arabs while being Sunni you know :ftw9nwa:

Somali-spot is strange with all this anti-Arab malarkey. You guys are making us sound like freed slaves goddamnit! Stop caring so much about Arabs and what they do. You have your own life to lead and your own sins to commit.

Queen Carawelo

I don't get it. Why did you mention you being Sunni? It is possible to despise Arabs while being Sunni you know :ftw9nwa:

Somali-spot is strange with all this anti-Arab malarkey. You guys are making us sound like freed slaves goddamnit! Stop caring so much about Arabs and what they do. You have your own life to lead and your own sins to commit.
I'm trying to give a wake up call to these cabeeds who blindly follow Arabs.
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