I am anti-arab in Somali politics

There really wasn't much benefit. Before the death of Imam Ahmad Somali were dead set on conquering and expanding west to make Habasha Christians another page in history. Somali clans lived next to and regularly clashing with local Amharas. The death of Imam ahmad and following collapse and dark ages, devolving into petty warring states until colonialism came and put the last nail in the coffin, basically ended our hopes of taking the west.

Eventually with Gallas in between us and Habasha, Somalis washed their hands of westward expansion and started expanding south into Kenya. We Conquered NFD region from Oromos in the late 1800s, with the last major oromo tribe being cleared out by Ogadens in the 1890s.

We were then going even further down into Bantu territory and set to take all of Kenya by the decade, but this was prevented by British colonialism which halted Spmali expansion.

The British themselves admit this;

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I guess so. But I just don’t understand. Nomads used to have to walk for months to find clean water supplies, Somalis were very territorial over wells and land but weren’t willing to expand westwards into better lands and better water supplies.

I understand the threat of the Abyssinian empire at the time, but why not at least hold on to what lands you have in Bale and Hararghe? It will forever confuse me.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
I guess so. But I just don’t understand. Nomads used to have to walk for months to find clean water supplies, Somalis were very territorial over wells and land but weren’t willing to expand westwards into better lands and better water supplies.

I understand the threat of the Abyssinian empire at the time, but why not at least hold on to what lands you have in Bale and Hararghe? It will forever confuse me.
The nomads remained there, the empire usually protected them, built wells and such. With central authority gone they could not keep the Horde at bay forever.

The "Oromo" you see today walking around Hararghe and Bale, are decendants of those Somali that were left hanging after the fall of Adal. Same blood, but assimilated by the horde.
cushites like afars and oromo want to destroy you and steal your lands, arabnimo has monetarily benefits as those stupid gulf countries fund the somali government, did you know the mogadishu police is funded by uae
Let people have their opinions. f*ck Arabs.

We do not care about kafirs opinions.

The obsession with hating arabs is almost always by known kafirs on this forum and it is a way for them to indirectly attacks Islam and Muslim solidarity, it is so transparent. OP started with crying about defending Palestine, what are you a jew?


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Cushite politics doesn't exist.

Arab does. Somalia is an arab nation on the political stage
Ask any arab off if we somali is arab or not.

They might be racists to us but they view us as their subhuman brothers. It is what it is 🙏🏿😭


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
If you really speak Arabic like I do you'd know this already tbh.

We are just Sudan 2.0
Tf nigga you ain’t some sort of literary genius, it was late and I couldn’t be asked to read it. Commented to get notifications on the thread.
See once again you want to just put people down it's a sign of arrogance and pridefulness. Trying peg me down to tell me what I am not as if you are the judge of that. I only care what Allah thinks. So again go away. You are full of negativity and its not good for your own heart. What you say on the internet counts too. Isku xishood and atop putting other Somalis down.

I just wanted feedback since I left at 2, I wanted to see if others noticed this too. You can see it Meghan Markle who acts like a white woman because it's in her genes.

ilhan seems more humble than ayan hirsi, one opposes war and the other promotes it. Also she was the only democrat that sat with the uncommitted voters, seems humble.
Like I said she brave but is ruining our brand to be seen as this civil rights leader for Palestinians.

Ayaan has bad views on Islam from her trauma. But she is undeniably humble for the amount of praise she gets. But I think her damage to the Gulf was good because they need humbling from a Somali. I hope Yemen has more people to come out for them. I don't think you should hating the deen is good because Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) had the same issue with them. They are the ones causing trouble in Islam. The oil money made them rich again the same way they were in during the Prophet pbuh times. Example: Abu Lahab his uncle.
cushites like afars and oromo want to destroy you and steal your lands, arabnimo has monetarily benefits as those stupid gulf countries fund the somali government, did you know the mogadishu police is funded by uae
Did I say we shouldn't have any diplomatic relationships with them?? No!! I said I do not want any Somalis woth Arab genes that act like Arabs to rule our land. They can go to Oman or even America and let those bleeding hearts love them like they do with Ilhan. America is so controlled that it doesn't make a difference.

But to go into a war like that without any allies supporting you is dumb and arrogant. Not something any other leader what have done.

Again I don't hate arabs as a whole but then ones in the Gulf will soon collapse and what will be left then? They will get carpet bombed out the earth just like Yemen, Palestine etc.
See once again you want to just put people down it's a sign of arrogance and pridefulness. Trying peg me down to tell me what I am not as if you are the judge of that. I only care what Allah thinks. So again go away. You are full of negativity and its not good for your own heart. What you say on the internet counts too. Isku xishood and atop putting other Somalis down.
My guy I gave you my reasoning as to why I made the initial comment. I said you aren’t some sort of literary genius because you made the assumption that I can’t understand what you wrote. Nothing to do with pride or arrogance.

If anything it’s quite arrogant to assume what you’ve written is beyond my comprehension.

Am I really full of negativity when I gave the post 💯 at the same time I wrote my initial comment. You then proceeded to project feelings my way. Who’s actually negative here?


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Hear me out before you exist! I am not coming from a pro-black american angle but from a pro-cushite angle.

Not all Arabs are the same, the Arabs culture from Medina have too much pride in their culture. Too much of anything is not good. Our Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) had the same issue with his people the Quresh and saw the same traits. This is why he sent his people to modern day East African (where they call Ethiopia right now). When you observe Somalis that are Cushites (I do not care about Semantics here) you still see the Nomadic humbleness.

Some of us have Arabic and other mixtures in our lineage since we were a major Port in East Africa but it's all about whether those traits come out or not Look at Ilhan Omar who I do think is very brave but lacks complete awareness of humbleness and will turn any situation into her case and point:

The other woman was talking and she just jumped in. Now it could be ptsd since she herself came from war but where is here decorum? The other woman was talking but we are all human but this is the trait I think causes her to get in trouble. Trump has similar traits himself, so he is not one to talk. Now Ahmed Hussein is from the same tribe and does not have this character and is very humble in person and on tv.

Look at Ayaan Hirsi who shows a lot of humbleness too. Now what you are in private could be different than in person, and only Allah knows best but when it comes how we come across this matters a lot. Humbleness is a good trait, and again not excessive humbleness which turns into low self esteem or disingenuous humbleness which is off putting.

Real humbleness which either you have or can develop only through the will of Allah. Either through going through pain and suffering or just being that way naturally.

Anyways I think this trait is bad for diplomacy which is why Ethiopians always are better at that than Somalis, when he were run by Daroods like Siad Barre, whose pride made him go into a war which diplomacy was key in. The other nations turning on Somalia was a major turning point and his pride made him turn our nation into a living hell.

The Ethiopians are so good at it, that Hitler himself tried to defend them against Italy. This is important aspect of politics, respect and diplomacy. Indians have this aspect too which is great to have.

The Arab pridefulness is a terrible quality and it will do Arabs in once their Oil money runs out. Just watch their collapse. Indians and Chinese people will always do better than them. If they actually followed their deen it would be better for them. And any idiot who thinks it's their deen is dumbass. Their deen actually humbles the insanity. Arabs who are religious are 10 times more humble and kind than the ones from the Gulf. As are Arabs from North Africa (who have a mix of the Arab dna, the Berbers are more like us). What they did to Yemen is sad, since Yemenites are like Nomads too. They had a humble culture.

I will make a part 2 thread explaining why I am anti-Bantu infuence in Somalia next. Let me know what you guys think.
Basically to sum this thread up you want us to build in silence which I agree with but lump us in with other "Cushites" and Horn Africans? thats a big No No we can achieve everything we need with our own people and when we get to a better stage then we can consider bringing back rendille and assimilated somali oromos back into the fold.
f*ck oromo and afars as if arabs have shed somali blood like they have, we are not iranians and north africans to have this vitriol for arabs, we are an afterthought to them, why you hating them like they have conquered us
Basically to sum this thread up you want us to build in silence which I agree with but lump us in with other "Cushites" and Horn Africans? thats a big No No we can achieve everything we need with our own people and when we get to a better stage then we can consider bringing back rendille and assimilated somali oromos back into the fold.
No I never said once we need to unite with other Cushites for goodness sakes. And btw I love Arab/Bantu music influence of Somali music it fun but a bit vulgar. I like Hassan Aden's music which is much more regal and majestic high art and respectable. That is the Cushite sound.

I also don't mind them even living with us since they are refugees. Initially thats how the Somali arabs came around they were prisoners of war or refugees. The Portuguese Somalis were pows or slaves that stayed. Some of the Somalis that are of Indian, Arab etc descent made relations through trade, not all is bad or bad intent. We also live so close to Arabs how would we not have mixture? It's impossible same with Somali Bantus. My issue is when they start spouting pro-American Black nonsense like we brought them to our land, we didn't.

Furthermore, they can go to any other Bantu land they please, this is what I am referring to. She is young and seems kind but this mentality is slave mentality coming from Black Americans:

When I first saw this I got so upset that I wanted to flag it has hate speech against Somali people but I realized she is misguided by Black American Marxism (which they are also victims of, its Marxism). Someone needs to tell her the Bantu tribe are one of the most successful and powerful tribes in the world. That is a better mindset than Black Americans who themselves are powerful but were taught this Marxist/Foucault nonsense from College (3rd wave feminism is also a slave/weak mentality)


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