God that must've felt good
It did, the look of horror on their
Faces and knowing they couldn't
Say shit back
They were bullying the waiter
So badly, I exploded on them
God that must've felt good
There's another variation of the story that claims al-'Abbas, who was sitting next to Abu Talib as he died, saw Abu Talib moving his lips. Al-'Abbas claimed that Abu Talib had said the shahada but Muhammad replied that he had not heard it.no sxb.
he died as a gaal during the 10th year, just before the prophet's wife khadija died.
he refuse to take the shahaada despite the prophet begging him to.
It did, the look of horror on their
Faces and knowing they couldn't
Say shit back
They were bullying the waiter
So badly, I exploded on them
They make our food, our ppl
Are too nice wallahi
I had to tell a group of them
Last summer to shut the
f*ck up and respect the
And if they didn't like it
Get the f*ck out of my
A few times I encounter ungrateful ones who keep talking about how shit Hargeisa is and I always tell em
Your country is shit even your own president knows it thats why hes never in Yemen and always in saudi arabia
our prophet was Arab you can not insult arab if you are real muslim
A few times I encounter ungrateful ones who keep talking about how shit Hargeisa is and I always tell em
Your country is shit even your own president knows it thats why hes never in Yemen and always in saudi arabia
Yes it is they come to Hargeisa since no other country allow em and when they are here they complain about their living conditionsIs this a thing?
War badda ku gura aabahood wasooyinka
nah bro. but do u mind sharing the source of that?There's another variation of the story that claims al-'Abbas, who was sitting next to Abu Talib as he died, saw Abu Talib moving his lips. Al-'Abbas claimed that Abu Talib had said the shahada but Muhammad replied that he had not heard it.
So insulting modern day Arab Wahhabis who allied with the British against the Turkish caliphate and who butchered and made takfeer on most of the ummah = insulting the Prophet (SAW).No badaw Arabs were not part of World war Western countries were creating massive refugees during this time that is way they signed 1951 refugee convention educate your self our prophet was Arab you can not insult arab if you are real muslim
I always hear Somalis (and even other non Arab Muslims) say this. You insult Arabs and they'll tell you not to since "our prophet was an Arab" and we should therefore love them.
Where did this even come from?
Yes it is they come to Hargeisa since no other country allow em and when they are here they complain about their living conditions
I don't know where in the Hadith, I've just heard a few Shias saying that. Most sources agree that Abu talib died a non Muslim.nah bro. but do u mind sharing the source of that?
from the traditional books, bukhari, muslim and abu daud, they all say he died as a gaal.
when the prophet tried to shard to convince his uncle, Allah revealed;
Indeed, [O Muhammad], you do not guide whom you like, but Allah guides whom He wills. And He is most knowing of the [rightly] guided.
Western countries disrespect Somalia passport norway also published a negative report telling EU and Canada not to accept somali passport as travel document I have the evidence just google it you will find it.Over 1/2 a million Somalis have a Western passport you retard. Not even one Somali refugee has a Khaleeji passport.
We have nothing in common with Arab countries in terms of culture, language and interests. As for trade, then just ask Saudi Arabia go constantly bans our livestock exports when they feel like it.
f*ck off with that dhegocas bootyclapping. The Saudis are even starving 20 million Yemenis who will face a famine and have blocked all aid from entering, yet you think that they are better than western countries? I guess you weren’t among the 100+ Somalis killed on a boat by Saudi bombers a few months ago.
Yes it is they come to Hargeisa since no other country allow em and when they are here they complain about their living conditions
it is illegal to selling drugs in Quran, we should respect their laws and rules as you respect western rules other wise they deport you is not that trueSo insulting modern day Arab Wahhabis who allied with the British against the Turkish caliphate and who butchered and made takfeer on most of the ummah = insulting the Prophet (SAW).
But calling 40,000 Somalis(your OWN people) drug dealers and illegal immigrants that deserved to be kicked out, whipped and beaten is perfectly fine since of course husnal al’dhan is only a principle that applies to the blessed Arabs.
Get out of here you Arab bootyclapper. This has nothing to do with religion. We know your agenda you dirty salafi.
It's truly bizarre.
I hate most Somalis, forget about Arabs
Brother those are my people Iam called them drug deaOver 1/2 a million Somalis have a Western passport you retard. Not even one Somali refugee has a Khaleeji passport.
We have nothing in common with Arab countries in terms of culture, language and interests. As for trade, then just ask Saudi Arabia go constantly bans our livestock exports when they feel like it.
f*ck off with that dhegocas bootyclapping. The Saudis are even starving 20 million Yemenis who will face a famine and have blocked all aid from entering, yet you think that they are better than western countries? I guess you weren’t among the 100+ Somalis killed on a boat by Saudi bombers a few months ago.
Iam not insulting brother my people but some of them are Idiots they do gang in KSA and sell Ethiopian and Eritrean girls in KSA those are somalis in Canada drug dealers and gangsThere is no point arguing with someone like @Mohsin, he is a cuck of the highest level. Insults his own people but if you even dare to insult modern day Arabs, then you’ve insulted the Prophet (SAW) himself. I remember him posting before about how his family members married Arabs and he seemed so happy about. He even believes that he’s an Arab himself due to some somnet rumour that Warsangelis are J1. This is what Salafism does to people. I’ve seen Somali fathers who reject giving their daughters to Somali men from another qabiil but will regard it as a blessing for his daughter to marry an Arab, regardless of the fact that his Arab family regards him as an abeed al aswed. @Mohsin falls into that category.