Marshall D Abdi
Know you’re place peasant
Kurd ppl r gyspyHahahahahahaa yes I am
Kurd ppl r gyspyHahahahahahaa yes I am
The chemical gas attack was filmed by iranian special forces that media never mentions or how iranian forces got into iraqs northern undefended borders almost capturing tikrit or thousands civilian brutally slaughtered all their settlements completely wiped out. Saddams use of gas scared iranians to flee saving Iraq not loosing the war in Abadan (arab lands in iran).Saddam Hussein used Chemical gas on them and they faced many other horrors. Due to Syria and Iraq being unstable, they exploited the situation to establish an autonomous region in hopes for independence. They have been defeated in Syria since Trump turned on them but still control their lands in Iraq and have been defeating Isis.
I know that you don’t know what you’re talking about because there are mass graves of skeletal remains that have been found. Look up al anfal campaign and the chemical weapons Saddam used was sold to him by USA/France to use vs Iran cause they were gonna lose hard near the end of their war and there was holes in their defence. It was kind of used as a last resort cause the war was dragging on til nearly 10+ years. And both sides used the Kurds Iraq and Iran for their own gain like how others used them too.The chemical gas attack was filmed by iranian special forces that media never mentions or how iranian forces got into iraqs northern undefended borders almost capturing tikrit or thousands civilian brutally slaughtered all their settlements completely wiped out. Saddams use of gas scared iranians to flee saving Iraq not loosing the war in Abadan (arab lands in iran).
They're defeated in Syria by thier greed US saw the anger of loyals for backing YPG that was attacking their deen and burning their homes knowing war against them was inevitable, huge blunder by US backing YPG who they list as terrorists loosing not only Syria but Turkey.
Millenia?How can you take something from minorities if they’ve been there for many Millenia? Do you honestly think they just popped out of no where and then started taking all these lands out of no where? They’re indigenous to that region and are related to the ancient Medes, they were the result of the indo aryans coming to the region and mixing with the indigenous inhabitants that were there.
welcoming Kurds with open arms? Read some history have you not heard of the many atrocities and genocides done against them eg Saddam Hussein killing 180k + innocent civilians? Or the Turks massacring them in 1937? Or banning their language and culture? stop viewing trt news bro most of Turkeys outlets is government controlled propaganda or whoever the f*ck ignorant person your listening to lmao.
They probably are, but not the ones you posted.The Kurdish female fighters are fine
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I am kinda curious, so yes.Lol do u wanna know more funny quotes from Shia Hadith books about people with dark skin too?
I love and respect my Somali brothers I admire how you guys are with deenKurds are good people I wish them statehood and a great future